Three-Year Rule Read online

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  Elizabeth watched Amy walk across the room and open the refrigerator in awe. She crossed to the kitchen and said, “Amy you are amazing. You find out your latest romance has a secret past and you don’t ask one question about it. Not only are you not curious you move past Randy’s hesitation for involvement and dive right into breakfast. How do you do it?”

  Amy turned to Elizabeth and offered in a mild tone, “I take people at face value. I don’t expect any more than they offer and I don’t anticipate their reactions.”

  Elizabeth reached into the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of eggs. She asked as casually as she could trying not to take offense, “Are you criticizing me?”

  Amy smiled and added, “I love you, Beth. You are the big sister I never had, but you and I are complete opposites. I think that’s why we get along so well. You analyze everyone, you can’t help it. You have this grand plan on how life is supposed to evolve. I actually do think there are a lot of people out there acting just as you say. However, I think life is a mixture of mystery and chaos. Nothing is ever as it seems and then again it is exactly as it seems.”

  Elizabeth pulled a bowl out of the cabinet and a whisk out of a drawer. She began breaking eggs into the bowl. She tipped the bowl slightly to one side and attacked the eggs with fury. Finally, she said, “You aren’t making any sense. Chaos and predictability don’t make good partners.”

  Amy pulled a large skillet out of the oven and lined it with bacon. She glanced over at Elizabeth and smiled, “My mother died of cancer when I was 11 years old. My father couldn’t cope with her loss so he drowned his sorrow in a case of beer every night. A few years into his alcoholic stupor, he discovered I had a boyfriend. I was fifteen. He decided to teach me a lesson. My thirteen year old brother killed him that night with a shotgun to stop him beating me to death.”

  Elizabeth turned to stare at Amy. Tears streamed down her face, she couldn’t speak. Amy smiled at her and said, “So you see, Beth. I choose to be light hearted and carefree because that’s who I want to be. I refuse to dwell on the past or be haunted by what ifs. I want to live my life to its fullest and enjoy every second. Why would I choose otherwise? Why would I want to set an expectation for anything else? I’m not hiding behind a pseudo personality because I’ve chosen a predisposition. That is my personality because it is who I choose to be.”

  Suddenly Charlie appeared at Elizabeth’s side and they turned to find Randy and Joshua standing in the doorway. The look of sorrow on Randy’s face told them they had heard everything Amy said. Joshua’s eyes focused on Elizabeth as Randy walked slowly across the room to stand next to Amy. Joshua motioned for Elizabeth to come with him as he turned back toward the door. She quickly dropped the whisk in the bowl and headed out the door after him.

  Randy moved the skillet off of the burner and turned off the stove. He reached out and cupped Amy’s face. His voice was soft and full of emotion, “My wife died of leukemia. It took her fast, we tried everything but nothing could stop it.” He pulled her against him and held her as he continued, “Everyone has a past. Some people live their entire life without hardship and sorrow. The rest of us have to fight hard for our happiness. Honestly, I think you and I are the lucky ones. We’ve learned to appreciate what we have while we have it. Those other people have no idea what life is really about. But we do, don’t we?”

  He released her and gazed down into her big blue eyes. Her face filled with a weak smile and she said, “I’ve never told anyone that story before.”

  Randy added, “Well, now that we’ve got all the drama out of the way we can relax and concentrate on the boring stuff. Like your favorite color, what TV shows you like. . .”

  Amy laughed and said, “What loser football team you root for.”

  Randy released her and acted offended saying, “Now you’ve gone too far.”

  Chapter Four

  “I’m telling you Josh.” Randy leaned over his desk for emphasis and continued, “It looks to me like someone’s camping out in that stables. You could be right, maybe its kids but my gut is telling me something is going on. Elizabeth is a well-known author of psychological books. That kind of thing can attract all sorts of unstable personalities.”

  Joshua shook his head in disagreement, “I find it hard to believe that a crazed fan would be able to find Elizabeth half way across the country, way up in a cabin in the mountains. It’s just too farfetched to take seriously. On the other hand, a couple of hunters that lost their way might have taken shelter for the night or even used it the stable as a base. That is more likely given the fact that the cabin sat empty all winter.”

  Randy leaned back and added, “Regardless, we need to secure the stables. Elizabeth isn’t using it so I called Tom Weller. He’s agreed to allow us to board up the windows and padlock the door. Can you go out there with me tonight and give me hand.”

  Joshua leaned forward in his chair and said, “You really like Amy, don’t you?”

  Randy’s face broke out in a sheepish grin. He said, “Josh, she’s a breath of fresh air. I can’t stop thinking about her.”

  Josh smiled and rose to leave, “I’m happy for you Josh. It’s long overdue. I loved Mary with all my heart but she wouldn’t want you to be alone.”

  Randy’s smile softened as Josh disappeared through the door. He whispered, “I know she wouldn’t.”

  Elizabeth opened the door for Franklin. He was all business as usual in his silver Armani suit and Bottega Veneta briefcase. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed to join Amy at the kitchen table.

  He pulled out a chair and glanced quickly around the room before announcing, “I saw the largest spider I’ve ever seen in my life skitter across your narrow little sidewalk. At first, I thought it was some sort of mutant fox with too many legs then I realized the truth.”

  Amy burst into laughter and punched his arm playfully saying, “Don’t worry Elizabeth’s got a shotgun. If it tries anything she will blast its furry legs off.”

  Franklin spun face Elizabeth and added, “Well, now I’ve heard everything! You really have gone Hillbilly. I suppose you both have a tiny pair of cut off jean shorts in your closets?”

  Elizabeth and Amy locked eyes. Franklin stopped and stared at Elizabeth. She turned to face him and said, “We had a break in.”

  “What do you mean?” Franklin pulled out a chair and sat down.

  Amy glanced at Elizabeth then explained, “Someone broke in last night and Charlie got out. We found her in the middle of the road.”

  Franklin looked confused and said, “Someone tried to steal Charlie?”

  “No,” Elizabeth sat down next to Franklin and added, “They let Charlie out then went through our bedrooms. They stole Amy’s jewelry box and some of my two pairs of diamond stud earrings.”

  Franklin reached out, put his arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders, and said, “Last night?” He glanced around the room and back at the table adding, “They left all the electronics?”

  Elizabeth nodded and said, “Yes and the shotgun. It makes no sense. It’s almost as if they were looking for drugs or something similar. I am beginning to think that someone thought the owners were staying here. That would explain why they were looking for something in the bedrooms.”

  Franklin glanced over at Amy and asked, “Could there be a hidden safe in one of the closets?”

  Amy shook her head and said, “If there was, they would have found it. They stripped everything except the light fixtures and the drywall.”

  “Did you contact the landlord to ask if there is a history of break-ins?” Franklin leaned toward the table concentrating on Amy. “From what I understand empty houses in rural areas are common victims of vandalism and hosts for Meth labs.”

  Amy laughed and rose from the table saying, “Franklin! There has never a meth lab in this cabin! You are so funny!”

  Franklin stared after her as she walked into the kitchen and pulled a pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator. He added, “I think yo
u both should move back to the hotel until the house is finished.”

  Amy pulled three glasses out of the cabinet and filled them with ice from the freezer. She smiled and whistled loudly. Suddenly Charlie and Kilo came bounding down the stairs and across the room.

  Franklin jumped to his feet and declared loudly, “You got a guard dog?”

  Kilo rushed toward Franklin barking and growling. Franklin frantically rushed around to the other side of the table and said, “He’s an attack dog!”

  Amy laughed and filled the glasses with lemonade and called to the dogs, “Come on Kilo, let’s take Charlie for a quick walk.”

  Kilo stopped and stared at Franklin for a moment then turned and headed for the door after Charlie and Amy. Once they were gone, Franklin came back around the table to Elizabeth and said, “I know your uncle was like a father to you, but you don’t have to live here. You have nothing to prove.”

  Elizabeth glanced out the window at the large tree in that stood in the center of the backyard. It was a willow tree. Elizabeth knew that meant there was a good water source under the backyard. Her uncle planted a willow tree at the side of his house where a small spring would erupt from the ground and flow cross the yard during a heavy rain. That side yard had been like a soggy marsh for years until that tree started to grow and boy did it grow fast. Soon the tree was full size and the side yard grew damp only after a hard spring rain. The late morning sun filtered through the trees that lined the yard sending shadows dancing across the tall grass. Her eyes wandered to the mountains in the distance. They looked like large green cat paws spread out across the horizon.

  “I wonder if I need a lawn mower.” Elizabeth said softly. She turned to Franklin and asked, “Am I supposed to mow the lawn or does the landlord do that sort of thing?”

  Franklin rolled his eyes and sighed, “You aren’t listening to me.”

  She smiled at him and said, “I like it here. I have fond memories of the time I spent in these mountains with my aunt and uncle. The mountains are beautiful and soothing. Just knowing I am up in the mountains surrounded by wilderness relaxes me, inspires me.”

  “And what about last night?” Franklin answered somberly unimpressed by her wistful expression.

  She glanced down at her laptop and pulled out her chair. “I told you. I think it was related to the owners or some bored teenage campers looking for easy money. That’s why they took the jewelry and not the electronics. They were probably on foot.”

  Franklin smiled and raised his hands surrender. He said, “I can see you are determined I’m done lecturing. I’m sure you and Rin Tin Tin have this all under control. Let’s review your itinerary. Do you want me to take a look at your speech?”

  Franklin was gone by the time Randy and Joshua arrived to secure the stables. Elizabeth and Amy went to the stables to greet them dressed in jeans and t-shirts ready to assist. When the girls appeared, carrying a small wooden toolbox Randy rushed over and took the toolbox from Amy.

  Randy sat the faded gray box on a tree stump next to the gravel drive. He opened it and pulled out an old ball peen hammer with a wooden handle, a chipped flat head screwdriver, an old carpenter plain, a putty knife and an old pair of leatherwork gloves. He glanced up at Amy trying not to smile and asked, “Where did you find these?”

  Amy proudly announced, “There is a workbench in the basement full of all sorts of old tools. I found this toolbox and loaded it up with a few things I thought we would need.”

  Joshua came up behind Randy and peered over his shoulder then reached out and grabbed the plain. “What’s this? That could be worth some money.” He declared, “Amy when we are done here I’d love to see that work bench.”

  Randy turned to face him and said, “You can’t keep that. It’s not yours.”

  Joshua flashed Randy an amused frown and said, “I’m not keeping anything, I’m just looking. Will there ever be a time in your life when you can just relax and forget you’re a cop?”

  Randy met his gaze. He was not amused. He answered, “No.”

  They spent the next hour boarding up the windows and padlocking the front and rear doors. Charlie and Kilo dashed in and out of the nearby trees as Josh allowed. Randy took the last padlock and secured the detached garage that was too full of junk for a car.

  When they were done Randy offered, “Why don’t Amy and I run to Sadie’s and get dinner while you too relax for a bit?” His idea was answered with a big smile from Amy as he offered her his hand. She took it and they quickly disappeared down the drive in his SUV.

  Joshua put his arm around Elizabeth’s shoulders as they walked back to the cabin. He asked, “What happened to Franklin?”

  Elizabeth clapped her hands and Charlie quickly followed them. Kilo was not far behind. She said, “He stopped by for a bit and left my itinerary. He said he had some Skype conferences to make and wanted to get to bed early. We are heading to San Diego in the morning.”

  “So I won’t see you again until after the 4th of July?” Joshua asked casually.

  “Yes, do you think Amy will be all right here alone?” Elizabeth answered as they reached the door.

  “Kilo loves it here,” Josh smiled, ‘I’ll offer to leave him if it will help but I don’t think you’ll have any more trouble. I am sure it was just some bored kids who got carried away when they realized the cabin was occupied. I was going to suggest we install some motion activated yard lights on the house and the garage. If anyone comes around, they will light up this place like Christmas. Randy and I can drop by tomorrow and install those if it’s okay with you and Amy.”

  “I like that idea.” Elizabeth smiled and took his hand. “Let’s get cleaned up before they get back.”

  Joshua smiled and followed her upstairs saying, “I like a woman who doesn’t mind company in the shower.”

  Franklin pulled up in his rental car at 5am for the drive to the Salt Lake City airport. It was a short flight to San Diego and a quick cab ride to the hotel. They checked in and agreed to meet for lunch in the hotel restaurant before heading to the book signing at the local University library. Elizabeth unpacked her toiletries and drew a bath. She resisted the urge to call Joshua. She was getting too attached too soon. It had only been a couple of months and they were constantly together. This 30-day separation was just the thing the relationship needed for both of them to get some perspective and slow down the pace.

  Amy was right. Elizabeth usually dated a Type A Personality with tons of money, designer suits and impeccable taste in the arts. Joshua had plenty of money but Elizabeth was certain he didn’t even own a suit. He has a considerable amount of patience, was dedicated to his friendship with Randy, stopped working when the workday was done and the stern, yet gentle way he handled the dogs was not typical to a Type A personality. She believed he was driven to success for his business but it didn’t control his life. Elizabeth also suspected he didn’t even own a suit. If he did, it probably consisted of a tweed jacket with patches on the elbows that would go well with blue jeans and he probably looked fantastic in it.

  She smiled at that vision, stepped into the large jetted tub and sank down into a sea of bubbles. As she leaned back against the edge of the tub, she realized that she had no idea if Joshua liked the arts. In fact, she didn’t know his taste in any type of art except music. He was a Country Music fan. She knew that from time spent in his truck. It occurred to her, she’d never been inside his home. She had no idea was his tastes were. Elizabeth opened her eyes wide as she realized she had been very selfish in this relationship. It was entirely one sided except in the bedroom where they were equally determined to pleasure the other.

  Elizabeth decided as soon as she got back she was going to discover whom Joshua was deep down inside. His pseudo personality was incredibly sexy, but there had to be flaws hidden somewhere deep inside. He had to be hiding something and she was going to find out what it was.

  The book signing tour kept Elizabeth busy from sunrise to sunset and beyond. If she
wasn’t at a signing, she was making speeches or appearances on the local radio talk shows or news channels. By the time they reached New York for her appearance on a Network morning talk show she was ready for the tour to end.

  They arrived at LaGuardia Airport just in time for rush hour traffic. Once they reached the hotel Elizabeth was ready for room service and to retire early. Franklin rode up in the elevator with her; there rooms were on the same floor.

  He glanced over at her and set his briefcase on the floor. He asked, “Want to meet me for dinner in about an hour after you freshen up? I made reservations last month to make sure we wouldn’t have to wait all night for dinner.”

  Elizabeth sighed and arched her back stretching her muscles. She said, “I’m exhausted Franklin and we have to be on set at 4a.m. so I think I’ll just order room service and call it a night.”

  Franklin nodded and picked up his briefcase adding, “I know you aren’t much for breakfast so just knock on my door when you are ready to head out in the morning. I’ll have a cab waiting.” The elevator doors swung open and they said good night.

  Morning came quickly. Elizabeth pulled opened the curtains across the large windows that lined her wall. The city was alive and flourishing in the darkness. Cars rushed through the streets below, little beacons of light headed to secret destinations for unknown experiences. Tiny figures moved across the sidewalks. They looked like little bugs scurrying to and from candy buildings carrying their prizes with them.

  She turned and headed to the bathroom to shower. Within the hour she was dressed in her best suit and skirt that showed just a touch of her thigh when she sat down. Elizabeth ready for her first national interview. She glanced in the mirror checking her hair and make-up. It was perfect. She was ready. Taking a deep breath, she ran over her speech in her mind. A knock came at the door and she peered through the peephole to find Franklin staring back at her.