Three-Year Rule Read online

Page 6

  She opened the door and frowned at Franklin saying, “I thought I was knocking on your door this morning?”

  Franklin smiled at her and said, “I thought you might be nervous so I came to check on you.”

  She smiled back and grabbed her purse.

  The studio was smaller than what she expected. The small waiting room had a tiny table filled with juice and various pastries, bagels and fruit. She sat in a tall chair while a young woman touched up her makeup and hair. Franklin gave her a kiss on the cheek and disappeared out the door a few minutes before a young man came to escort her to the set.

  She was quickly introduced to the host, a beautiful woman in her late twenties. She wore a body hugging pale green suit and had long flowing blonde hair. She prompted Elizabeth on the few questions she would ask then the set darkened and they began.

  The Host began with a big smile for the camera. She said, “Good Morning! Lisa Mills here with Psychologist and Author Elizabeth Stewart. Elizabeth is the author of the New York Times bestselling book series If Life Was a Garden. Elizabeth is an expert on relationship development. Her books although geared toward woman teach us a lot about the dynamics of how relationships evolve. The latest book in this series is book 4 entitled Weeding Your Garden.” Lisa turned toward Elizabeth and asked, “I love the idiom of referring to our walk through life as a garden. The weeds are unwanted relationships such as unfaithful lovers or untrustworthy friendships. Your theory of the length of time it takes to truly get to know the people in your life is fascinating. Can you elaborate?”

  Elizabeth flashed Lisa a brilliant smile and said, “Yes Lisa, I’d love to explain. Our culture seems to have grown to expect most relationships to fail. Statistics site that divorce rates and separation percentages are higher now than they have ever been. I believe the main reason why marriages fail is the simple fact that people are marrying virtual strangers. Furthermore, a person should be confident in their own personality and skills before trying to merge their life with someone else. Statistics have proven most people attempt to conform to their partner’s personality expectations. In other words, people try to alter their personalities to meet what they believe is their partners expectations of how they should behave. I call this personality transition a Pseudo Personality.”

  Lisa leaned toward Elizabeth in her chair and said, “Pseudo Personality, that is fascinating. When do people start to assume this Pseudo Personality?”

  Elizabeth turned to face the camera as she continued, “Pseudo Personalities are very common on first few dates. Most people are on their best behavior, using their best manners. They pay close attention to how they are perceived by their partner and try to judge how the date is going. They use good grammar, good posture, and good table manners. Men open doors for women and avoid foul language. Women use probing questions to try to keep their date talking, many feign interest in sports or hobbies the other finds fascinating. All this is done, not as a deception but as a tool to grow the relationship.”

  Lisa tilted her head to one side and asked, “How long can someone maintain a Pseudo Personality?”

  Elizabeth let her smile falter a bit to look more serious as she answered, “Research has shown that a normal person can maintain a pseudo personality for more than three years before they began to tire of the exertion.”

  Lisa gasped and asked, “How can you tell if someone has assumed a Pseudo Personality/”

  “You can’t,” Elizabeth explained, “All you can do is give the relationship time, don’t rush into a marriage until you’ve reached the point where each person is able to show their hidden personalities and reveal their innermost secrets or fears.”

  Lisa frowned and asked, “Is there no way to avoid a Pseudo Personality?”

  Elizabeth turned back to the camera and said, “Many women believe they must mold themselves to match the man in their life. They believe if they do not conform to his desires, preferences and views, they will end up alone. This is not true. Women need to realize they are the driving force of the American Family. Women are just as financially independent in our current society as men. If you are a woman who has not been without a partner since you began dating, then it is time for you to be alone. Only on your own, without a partner can you truly learn who you really are. Only without a partner, can anyone finally begin to determine his or her own path in life. Once you find your own path toward your own goals, only then are you prepared to merge your life with another. Only then can you enter into a relationship without projecting your expectations on your partner and yourself forcing their Pseudo Personality to emerge.”

  Lisa stared at Elizabeth in silence for a moment then asked quietly, “What advice would you offer someone who is already in a relationship?”

  Elizabeth smiled sweetly at Lisa and said, “Three years may seem like a very long time to date someone. So consider this; three years of dating could save you twenty years of unhappiness stuck in a marriage to someone, you do not want. Then isn’t it worth slowing down and taking your time? My advice is; don’t live together, maintain separate homes. There is nothing wrong with an intimate relationship between lovers who do not live together. Living separately during this three year time period will allow each person to relax and return to his or her real personality on a regular basis. This consistent ‘return’ to their true self will enable each of them to reveal their true personality to each other much sooner than expected. This process could actually shorten the three-year time span to approximately two years. IF it is done properly.”

  Joshua raised the remote and turned off the television. Elizabeth’s face disappeared into darkness. He rolled over in bed and went back to sleep. A few hours later the phone rang but he didn’t answer it. He couldn’t. He knew it was Elizabeth. He knew she wanted to know what he thought of her interview. He also knew he couldn’t talk to her right now.

  Elizabeth put her phone back in her purse and glanced across the table at Franklin. She said, “I guess he’s still asleep. I hope he didn’t miss the show.”

  Franklin reached out and touched Elizabeth’s hand saying, “I’m sure he saw it and is just trying to catch up on his sleep. How are your Eggs Benedict?”

  “Too scrumptious,” Elizabeth said with a guilty smile, “I’m sure I’m gaining a pound with each bite.”

  Franklin laughed and reached down to open his briefcase. He pulled out his IPad and turned it on saying, “I’ve been working on something I want to run past you now that your Garden Series is complete.”

  Elizabeth frowned at him glancing down at the IPad. She said, “You know I was going to start a series about the dynamics of a blended family.”

  Franklin smiled at her and said, “I wondered if you might want to take a break on the psychology and possible write something for fun.”

  “Fun?” Elizabeth took another bite of her eggs and added, “You don’t think what I do is fun?”

  Franklin laughed and explained, “I was thinking about Fiction, a romance perhaps or a psychological thriller.”

  “What?” Elizabeth dropped her fork on her plate and stared at him.

  “Paranormal Erotica is very hot right now.” Franklin explained, “I know your books are selling well but we have to accept the fact that psychology books tend to be trendy. The next hot relationship theory that comes out can drop your sales to zip in a matter of months. You have a background in psychology which would benefit your romances.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She stammered, “So you think I should write porn? That is your long-term plan for me. You want me to write Porn?”

  Franklin raised his hands in surrender and said, “Okay, don’t get upset it was just a suggestion. I think you would be good at it. Just think about it. I’ll touch base with you next month after you’ve had time to calm down.”

  Elizabeth shook her head at him and said, “I don’t do Fiction.” She rose and added, “I’m going upstairs to pack. This tour is over and I don’t see any good in
wasting time arguing with you over a book series that is never going to happen. If you are interested in working with me on the Blended Family Series let me know before the end of the month otherwise I will find another agent.”

  Elizabeth went to her room and packed quickly. She placed a phone call to her airlines and booked the next flight out. She checked out of the hotel and arrived at LaGuardia just in time to make the flight. When she arrived in Salt Lake, she took a cab to the nearest car dealer and purchased an SUV. She arrived home just as the sun began to sink behind the rolling green mountains. A cool breeze greeted her as she unloaded her bags and walked to the front door. She noticed Randy’s white SUV parked near the stables next to her Mini Cooper and decided she would give that car to Amy.

  She dropped her bags on the stoop and unlocked the door. She tossed her bags across the threshold and walked inside. Charlie was instantly at her side jumping up and placing her huge paws on her chest to greet her. Elizabeth glanced up and found Randy rising from the sofa pulling on his shirt followed by Amy who did the same.

  “Oops!” Elizabeth said with a laugh and added, “Surprise! I’m home early!”

  Amy smiled and rushed over to hug Elizabeth. Randy grabbed her bags and flashed an embarrassed smile saying, “Welcome home, I’ll take these upstairs for you.”

  “Thank you so much Randy, when you are done come on outside and see my new car.” Elizabeth stepped to the door and opened it wide so Amy could see the SUV.

  Amy squealed with delight and ran outside. “Elizabeth!” She called as she opened the front door, “Now you are a true mountain woman! You own a truck!”

  Elizabeth laughed and countered with, “And you own a Mini.”

  Amy stopped and stared at Elizabeth, her eyes open wide in surprise. She threw her arms around Elizabeth as she neared and asked, “You are giving me the car?”

  Elizabeth laughed and explained, “Yes, to use as a down payment on your own truck. It’s brand new so the trade in value should give you a decent deposit.”

  Amy released Elizabeth; her eyes were full of tears. She said, “You are unbelievable. I’m only your assistant, yet you let me live with you and share your life so I can save my money for my Master’s Degree. You turn a blind eye when I’m taking an online class instead of working your re-edits and now you’re giving me your car?”

  Elizabeth smiled and rolled her eyes saying, “Honestly, Amy. You deserve it. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Amy hugged her again as Randy came outside to check out the SUV. “Randy!” Amy rushed over to him. “Elizabeth gave me her car to trade in for my own truck!”

  Randy glanced at Elizabeth and winked at her then said, “Wait just one minute. I’m not sure these mountains are ready for you in a pickup just yet. Have you gotten your truck driving certification?”

  Amy stared at him in confusion and asked, “My what?”

  “Oh yeah,” Randy continued, “There are strict laws governing the operation of a pickup truck by petite urban blondes.”

  Amy shoved at his chest with both hands frowning in annoyance but unable to hide her amusement. “Whatever,” She said as she turned from him back toward the SUV.

  Elizabeth tossed Randy the keys and he jumped inside to start the engine popping the hood. After he was satisfied with her purchase he said, “I think you made a good choice. It will get you anywhere you need to go.

  “Thanks,” Elizabeth said as they closed the hood and the doors. “Have you had dinner? I’m starving.”

  Amy glanced at Randy, then back to Elizabeth, and said with hesitation, “We ate earlier but we were thinking of heading to Sadie’s later for a drink. Do you want to join us?”

  “Sure,” Elizabeth answered and opened the front door of the SUV adding, “First I’m going to run by Joshua’s. I haven’t been able to reach him all day.”

  Randy and Amy exchanged looks again and Randy stepped forward slowly saying, “Uh . . . He’s busy today. He’s been busy . . . all day. We actually have plans for the four of us to go to Sadie’s for dinner the day after tomorrow when you were supposed to get back.”

  Elizabeth stopped and turned back to Randy. He was acting strange. He and Amy both were suddenly acting very uncomfortable. “He’s not home then?” Elizabeth asked gauging Randy’s reaction.

  “Home?” Randy asked glancing at Amy again, “Well I’m not sure . . . he might be home. He’s got plans.”

  Amy moved to stand by Randy’s side snaking her arm around his waist and added, “Why don’t we head to Sadie’s now? I’ll put Charlie inside and we can head out unless you’d like to change clothes first.”

  Elizabeth stared from one to the other then back again in silence then finally asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing!” Randy answered in an innocent voice far too quickly.

  Elizabeth concentrated on Amy and asked, “Is he working?”

  Amy’s smile vanished at the change in Elizabeth’s tone from casual curiosity to impatient annoyance. She released Randy and took a step closer to Elizabeth saying in a calm quiet tone, “He asked us not to say anything to you. He wants to discuss it with you in person. It’s not a big deal, Elizabeth really, everything is fine.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes narrowed and she asked, “If everything is fine then why are you both acting so guilty?”

  “We aren’t acting guilty.” Randy began then stopped when Elizabeth turned her angry glare in his direction. He added, “Elizabeth, sometimes a man has something he needs to deal with in private.” He stopped and frowned at how ridiculous he words sounded then added, “Joshua has a personal issue he needs to deal with.”

  Elizabeth couldn’t believe what Randy was saying. Her jaw dropped open slightly as she lost her composure. “He’s with someone else isn’t he?”

  “No,” Randy stammered. “That’s not it at all.”

  Elizabeth glared at him then turned to Amy and said, “I can’t believe you’re standing there allowing him to lie to me. I thought I was more than just your boss. I thought we were friends.”

  “Elizabeth,” Amy reached out to touch her arm adding, “Calm down, it’s not what you think.”

  “It’s not is it? Then exactly what is it? What is such a big secret that it’s causing the two of you to share secret glances and lie to me? Why are you acting so guilty? Am I such a monster that you can’t tell me the truth? Am I so unreasonable that a simple explanation is beyond my understanding?” Elizabeth spun, climbed into the SUV and slammed the door.

  “Don’t go!” Amy rushed to the door, “Please! Let us explain!”

  “You’ve said enough!” Elizabeth snapped at her through the glass window and shoved the truck in reverse sending gravel flying as she turned around and roared down the driveway.

  Elizabeth felt strangely vindicated with the knowledge that Joshua was not the perfect man his pseudo persona portrayed him to be. Her fingers wrapped so tightly around the steering wheel her fingernails dug into her palms. Her face screwed into a taunt scowl at the thought of Joshua in the arms of another woman. How dare he! How dare he act so devoted, so protective, so caring? We had an agreement.

  Tears welled up in her eyes and she shoved them away. How could she be so stupid? How could she have fallen for such a fake? She knew better. She knew all men were fakes. She knew most men would not stay faithful. A vision of her as a teenager walking out of the local movie theater to find her father in the arms of another woman flashed through her mind. Even her father was unfaithful. A sob escaped her throat. She took a deep breath and began to cry.

  Why did this hurt so much? She felt like her heart was being slowly ripped out of her chest. Her stomach lurched with every breath. She seriously considered pulling over to throw up. Why? She had stayed focused, kept an attitude of getting to know Joshua foremost in her mind. She knew she hadn’t discovered the real Joshua deep down inside. She knew he had secrets he had not yet revealed. So why did the thought of losing a man who was supposed to be a casual
love interest hurt so much?

  She gasped as she turned on to the main road. Was she a fake as well? Or worse, was she one of those females that depended on a man as her reason for living? For her own self esteem. Had she lost her identity trying to conform to Joshua’s way of life? Had she molded herself into oblivion? Was that why she was having trouble writing her next book?

  She released the gas pedal as she glanced around at the interior of the SUV. Did she buy this to fit into Joshua’s world? Had she done exactly what she told all her readers not to do? Was this truck really for Joshua?

  Elizabeth glanced back at the road and realized she had reached the turn off to Joshua’s home. The SUV was slowing to a halt. She glanced out the windows at the shadows of the mountains that surrounded her. Her mind went to her Uncle Wendell. His kind, scruffy face appeared before her. The thought of his constant warm smile and soft reasoning voice calmed her. He was the only man she’d even known that had never shown her his temper. He was always in a good mood, always quick to laugh. She recalled so many times when her father was screaming at her for spilling her juice or coming home with dirt on her clothes. She remembers the nights she cried herself to sleep wishing Uncle Wendell was her daddy. Her summers in these mountains has been the best times of her life.

  She took a deep breath and turned the corner. No, she wasn’t here for Joshua. She was here because this was home. Joshua had been a pleasant diversion while she waited for the house to be finished. He was something to pass the time. He was a summer fling, nothing more. Even so, he should have had the decency to break it off with her before moving on and he was going to get an earful about it.

  The evening sun floated deeper into the cloudless deep sapphire sky that slowly revealed a layer of shimmering stars spreading across the horizon. Elizabeth slowly pulled up to Joshua’s large two-story log cabin home. It had a four-car garage and a wraparound porch filled with tables and benches as if to welcome her. Elizabeth was surprised to see very light in the house on. She climbed slowly out of the truck and headed to the door, determined not to lose her temper.