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Tempest Rise (Treborel) Page 9
Tempest Rise (Treborel) Read online
Page 9
Coming forward, quietly, Hanlin addressed the Prince. "The Regent has called an early Summit meeting. She requests you attend her at once.”
Chapter Four
"This is an outrage!” Ambassador Long stormed into the conference room. "Bantorian Troops are murdering hundreds of my people at this very moment!" Crossing to the Regent, his face red with fury, "We must reach King William and demand he remove his armies from Nayr at once!”
The Regent motioned for him to be seated at the long conference table with the other members of the Continental Alliance and said, “Ambassador, my son is attempting to contact His Majesty at this very moment. Please try to calm yourself; we must remain rational if we are to end this distressing situation."
“Situation? This is much more than a simple difficulty. Bantor has invaded a completely helpless, peaceful society. We are Pacifists; we do not have a defense system or armaments. This is a violent action, nothing short of murder!" Ambassador Long glared at Ambassador Kreal waiting for a reply.
Katar stood and offered him the Nayrian a seat. Calming himself, the Ambassador sat down across from the Bantorian. Prince Katar and Lord Wills were seated on either side of Ambassador Long each shared his outrage. Lord Nolan and Ambassador Hannah Airee were seated across from them next to the Bantorian. Ambassador Kreal sat rigid in his seat, beads of perspiration forming on his brow. He offered no information, simply concentrated on Regent Dana, waiting for her to begin.
The Regent announced, grimly, turning to Ambassador Kreal. “We have received information directly by Bantorian courier, claiming an attempt on Queen Elsebeth's life occurred earlier this morning. The attack occurred in her suite while she slept. Is this correct Ambassador?"
"That is the information relayed to me by Commander Connor of the Kings Elite Guard." He answered confidently, ignoring Ambassador Long's glare.
Catching Hanlin’s glance of caution at the mention of the Bantorian Commander, Katar had a bad feeling that the Commander's survival through the wilderness was partially responsible for the invasion.
"Did the Commander also state the reason for suspecting Nayr for the attack?" The Regent asked, calmly.
“Yes, Bantorian Intelligence was able to capture two Nayrian Intelligence operatives. They subsequently confessed to the attempted assassination of the Queen and her unborn child." The Bantorian answered, returning Ambassador Long's stare.
Katar’s eyes narrowed with suspicion as he asked, “How can you explain the fact that a completely passive society, that has maintained a non-violent foreign policy for the last 150 years, would suddenly decide to assassinate your pregnant Queen? A woman who has no political power whatsoever?"
"It is no secret that Nayr and Bantor have been at odds over the new Search and Seizure Rights Nayr has suddenly claimed." Ambassador Kreal answered casually adjusting his collar. "Frankly, it is an insult to Bantorian Security to search our ships for stolen goods and illegal weapons."
"I assure you that the Prime Minister would never risk our country's security over such a trivial matter." Ambassador Long spoke with reserved hostility. "We reserve the right to search all ships that are delivering goods to our harbor, especially if they are traveling through our canal system and into Lon Tesse or Bantor. The coastal pirates have become increasingly bolder. We must take precautions to insure they are not transporting goods through our system,"
Nodding silently at the Regent, Prince Katar rose and headed for the conference room doors as Prince Roth entered announcing that King William was in conference and therefore unavailable. "I left an urgent message for his Foreign Minister; he has assured me the King will contact us immediately." Roth's voice reached Katar as he closed the door behind him.
Determined to discover the identity of the Nayrian operatives, Katar headed for the Communications Office to consult with Treborelan Intelligence. There hasn't been a conflict on the Eastern continent in nearly 160 years. This situation had the potential to escalate completely out of control. Turning down the long dark hall, his mood brightened as Lysette rounded the far corner and turned in his direction. He smiled and said, "I thought you would have retired for the evening."
"I heard about the invasion. I'm on my way to contact the Chief of Staff at the Lavose Medical Complex. I am sure the Emergency Relief Program is preparing supplies for the refugees. They just announced on the News Network, they're pouring across the border bridges into Southern Lon Tesse by the thousands." Lysette answered meeting him in front of the corridor that led to the Communications Offices.
"Are you a member of the Emergency Relief?" He asked as they turned and headed down the hall.
"Yes, I spent my residency with the Corp. I'm going to volunteer my services. I retired only a few weeks ago, so it should be very easy to reactivate my commission. If I can reach the capital by morning, I could leave with the second team. I'm certain the first units are already in route."
A sudden urge to persuade her not to travel to the unstable area surged through him. Quelling the impulse he realized it was none of his business where she chose to go. Reaching the communications office they paused before the series of small private booths.
"The border could become unstable, things could get rough. You’re headed into a war zone. That’s completely different that rushing to assist after a natural disaster.” He managed, despite his effort at restraint.
"I know the risks; I've worked with the corps. for two years now. I am sure the Alliance will prevent Bantor from targeting the Relief Program. But even if they were under fire, I’d go if they needed me.” She answered, sternly, looking up at him.
"Your calling to the healing profession is as strong as some Empaths I've known. “ Katar smiled, impressed by her determination. "I'll miss you at breakfast tomorrow. “ He added wanting to touch her but holding back.
Lysette stared after him as he turned and entered the first of the Holographic Comm. rooms and closed the door. Those simple words made her heart pound. Shaking the effects the large Treborelan had on her, as best she could, Lysette entered the next open booth and placed her call.
Ambassador Long was having difficulty holding his temper, becoming more agitated as Ambassador Kreal refused to cooperate. He would offer no more information other than his original statements. He offered neither regrets at the action taken nor any encouragements toward its end.
"Ambassador Kreal." Ambassador Airee began, trying to reason with him. "Nayr has no defensive armaments of any kind. For the Prime Minister to risk an invasion by assassinating a pregnant woman is absurd. What possible gain would such a venture reap for them to set aside their peaceful beliefs so easily?"
"I can only relay to you the information that I have been given, Ambassador. The King believes the Nayrian Government to be responsible for the attack. That he believes it is in retaliation for the Queen's efforts to restore the Old Bantorian Rail System. You cannot ignore the confessions of the two Nayrian operatives. They confessed to the attempted assassination." Ambassador Kreals cool attitude was giving way to his tendency to sweat, profusely at the slightest onset of nervous tension.
Regent Dana studied the stout Ambassador, his hands shook slightly as he reached for his third glass of water in the last hour. She was certain there was more to this maneuver than he was willing to admit. Lord Nolan leaned forward activating the holographic image display on the small instrument panel embedded in the table. The air over the octagon shaped table shimmered and the image the Eastern Continent appeared.
"Ambassador Kreal, why do you think Nayr would want to stop the Bantorian Rail restoration project?” Sean asked, enlarging the Bantorian Nation on the display. "It runs down the center of Bantor and branches out toward the large cities near the Bantorian boarder. “The nearest it comes to Nayr is the coastal capital of Ergos, nearly fifty kilometers across the border."
"When the rail is completed Bantor will no longer be forced to rely on Nayr's canal and barge system to transport goods to and from our eastern cities
. Due to ancient boundaries the entire river system from the eastern coast to the Lon Tesse border belongs to Nayr. The River Ny surrounds Bantor on its eastern and southern borders. Until now it has been a reliable, convenient source for shipping. But we have grown tired of Nayr's high harbor fees and canal taxes. Now that this new outrage has been inflicted on us the Queen has urged that the Rail System efforts be doubled.” Ambassador Kreal answered, glaring at Ambassador Long. “I believe that faced with the substantial loss of revenue Prime Minister Ondale panicked and struck out at the easiest possible target."
Rising slowly, Ambassador Long addressed the Regent, "I will not listen to this fool babble, while my people are being forced from their homes and murdered in the night. These lies are preposterous!" With clenched fists, he turned and headed for the door.
"Ambassador Long, please one moment.” The Regent halted his departure, and then turned back to the Bantorian. "Once again Ambassador, I ask you why King William has invaded a completely defenseless country instead of addressing the situation here at the Alliance Conference, as we all agreed. This is where all conflicts are to be resolved, not on the battlefield."
"King William believes it is vital to the welfare of Queen Elsebeth to remove the threat against her quickly.” The Ambassador replied casually.
The door opened behind Ambassador Long and Katar entered, hearing the Bantorian's words. Escorting the Nayrian back to his seat, Katar turned his full attention on Ambassador Kreal, saying, “Ambassador, I’ve just returned from a conference with Treborelan Intelligence. You are aware of how extensive our Intelligence has become integrated into the planetary systems in the last fifty years are you not? The isolation of our country, deep in the Mountains requires that we supply our own source of information.” He began, leaning over the table, "I have received information regarding this alleged attack on the Queen. There is no evidence that any such an event ever took place. There are no witnesses, no one was seen entering or leaving the palace, at the time the attack was to have taken place. Furthermore, no cry of alarm was ever issued. The two so called Nayrian operatives are known Latrian felons from across the sea, recently released from a short term in the Nayrian prison detention system."
"Exactly what are you insinuating Your Highness?” Ambassador Kreal s voice was low and threatening. His hands gripped the table and were turning white at the knuckles as he waited for a reply.
"I'm saying that this story of yours has little basis and nothing to do with Nayr." Katar answered, easily, undaunted by the bold glare he received. "Perhaps King William has simply decided to increase his realm."
"You have no proof of that!" The Bantorian jumped to his feet enraged.
"Then tell me, why is it that a country with a helijet force of such large proportions is launching a land war. Is it merely to destroy the Prime Minister and the Parliament? I assume he has blamed them for this so called assassination attempt. Why didn't he simply use the jets to lay waste to the palace and parliament buildings?" Katar's voice softened to a lethal tone as he finished. “It would have been simple enough to do, Ambassador. Simply wait until Parliament was in session and use the jet's cannons. Nayr is not equipped with an air patrol other than its emergency evacuation fleet and those are not armed. Nayr has no laser cannons, no army, only a small, unarmed national reserve to call upon. The jets could have been in and out in a manner of minutes."
"Enough!” The Bantorian roared, pounding his fist against the table.
Katar's cold voice answered him. "Yes, Ambassador I have had enough." Turning to Ambassador Long, he continued. "Ambassador, I believe that King William intends to claim Nayr's land and river rights as his own. He intends to rule over Nayr as Bantorian territory. If the Queen was attacked, it had nothing to do with Nayr. It was simply used as a ruse to initiate the invasion."
With this announcement, Ambassador Kreal stormed out of the conference room. Waiting until the tall wooden doors closed behind him, Sean addressed the Regent, “William has massed his troops at several points along the Nayr’s Lon Tesse border.” Sean stepped forward, changing the holographic display to include the entire Eastern continent. "We have received information that the Prime Minister and many members of the Parliament have been taken prisoner. There have also been reports of peaceful protesters being fired upon in front of the Parliament buildings. In less than five hours Bantor has taken complete control of Nayr."
Throughout the night, reports of Nayr's destruction continued to flow into the Alliance Conference. King William continued his silence, not responding to any attempt at communication, not even from the Regent herself. By dawn the remaining members of the Continental Alliance came to a decision. They composed an ultimatum for the Bantorian King. They called for an immediate cease of hostilities and a complete withdrawal from Nayr within forty eight hours of delivery of the document. If William failed to comply, the Treborelan Navy would initiate a blockade of the Bantor and Nayrian Coastline. Ragal and Lon Tesse would participate in a further embargo against Bantor, closing all borders. This would continue until all Bantorian troops were removed from Nayr and restitution was paid for all damages.
It was decided that the Lon Tesse Ambassador to Bantor would deliver the document personally into the hands of the King. The elderly Ambassador Soms would convey the wish to avoid any further communication lapses and inquire into the whereabouts of Prime Minister Ondale and his wife, demanding for their release. The courier left immediately for the Embassy in Ergos, to deliver the document to the Ambassador. The news of the Bantorian Aggression and the Refugees filled the Communications network. The Emergency Relief Corp. responded instantly as volunteers flooded into the headquarters. There was no immediate need for Lysette at this time, although they did stress the urgency for long range funding. When the Nayrians returned to their homes, shelter and food will still be desperately needed.
Being the niece of the Regents Foreign Minister gave Lysette a slight advantage in the solicitation of funds. She spent the entire night on the Communications system, acquiring donations and supplies from Lon Tesse's more affluent citizens and corporations. She managing to catch nearly two hours of sleep before her Uncle's knock on the door woke her. Grabbing her robe, she opened the door, brightening when she saw who it was. "You look terrible?" She announced, kissing him on the cheek.
Crossing to the small sofa near her bed they sat while he explained. "I'm sorry I woke you, but I knew you would want to travel back to Lavose with the Summit Party. We've dispatched an ultimatum to King William. The Regent wants to wait at the Palace for a reply. The transport should be arriving in about an hour." He sighed, brushing a stray lock of his disheveled dark brown hair from his eyes.
Lysette knew he hadn't slept at all, the circles under his dark green eyes left no doubt. He was exhausted. He added, "Ambassador Airee is meeting me in the Dining Hall for breakfast in twenty minutes. I thought you might like to join us."
"Are you sure I wouldn't be interrupting?" Lysette teased, trying to lighten his burden.
She knew how he felt about the intelligent, beautiful Hannah Airee. They had been quietly involved for the last several years.
"Lysette, you're a vixen." A weary smile appeared on his unshaven face. "You won't be interrupting. I'm sure most; if not all of the Alliance members will be joining us, including Prince Katar.” He took her hand, smiling brighter, "You remember him, the filthy savage you seem to have a slight fondness for?"
"I will not get into a teasing contest with such a master of the art as you." She laughed, pulling her hand away. "I'll get packed and meet you in down there.”
A hot shower and shave helped Katar shake off the drowsiness he felt. Three weeks in the wilderness, followed by a night of heated discussions had taken their toll. He had spent the last hour on the Holographic Communications trying to convince his mother to prepare Treborel for a possible call to arms. Dispatching Empaths to Southern Lon Tesse had been much easier than he expected. The Empaths had anticipated the need, d
eparting immediately for Borel and the Harbor transports. The Prince's most difficult task had been getting permission to activate their pilots at the Treborelan Air Patrols Southern Base, hidden deep in the Southern Alps.
Hanlin appeared at his suite door announcing, "The Regent's transport should be arriving in less than an hour. Breakfast is being served in the Dining Hall; I was on my way there and thought perhaps you might like to join me."
Pulling on his dark blue uniform jacket, Katar answered, heading for the door. "I'm sending the Guards back to Borel, via helijet from Lavose. Cap just left for the Southern Air Base, we're reactivating it, temporarily. "
"I suppose that is best." Hanlin replied, quietly.
Surprised by his docile response, Katar glanced up, as he past him in the doorway. "Have we received another communique?"
"Yes," He answered his voice cold as stone. "Under the cover of darkness, King William has moved several dozen laser cannons to the Nayr/Lon Tesse Border.
“I don't think he's going to be very friendly when Ambassador Soms delivers the Ultimatum.” Katar answered, heading down the hall toward the stairs.
Hanlin followed at his heels adding, “Surely he realizes that the three remaining nations won’t just stand idly by as he kills nearly a thousand innocent people.”
They descended the stairs in silence, each not wanting to voice their fears of Continental conflict. The Regent and Prince Roth met them at the base. The Regent looked tired and pale, her face was grim as she approached them and said, “I assume Lord Wills has informed you of Bantor's latest outrage?"
"Yes, William seems determined to hold Nayr.” Katar answered his outrage apparent.
"I have activated our National Defense System and ordered the refugees be moved to a minimal distance of one hundred kilometers from the border. My Local Guard is moving south as we speak. They will be positioned along our southwestern border. I have also been in contact with Queen Sari. She has told me of your plans to activate your Air Forces, Treborel has always had such a passive air. Your ease at local defense is impressive and greatly appreciated. I hope you find it an unnecessary task. However, I appreciate your offer of air support for our ground troops, if needed. We have had such little use for an air patrol, I'm afraid my Air Defense has shrunk to a mere task force."