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Three-Year Rule Page 3

  She rose and smiled weakly at Amy saying, “Let’s keep her inside for the rest of the night.”

  Amy nodded and surveyed the yard adding, “Us too. Good thing Franklin headed back early. He would have been crying like a baby after all that excitement.”

  Elizabeth laughed and said, “He was terrified it would get dark before he reached the hotel. He does not like the country at all. He told me once that St Louis was too small town for him, not enough cement and high-rises.”

  Amy giggled and said, “Can you believe it’s after 9 o’clock and it’s still bright daylight outside? Frankly, it doesn’t matter, I’m exhausted. The light is not going to keep up awake. I’m closing my curtains and going to bed. I’ll get all your paperwork together for the build in the morning. What time are you meeting with the builder?”

  “Builder?” Elizabeth gasped and glanced down at the phone. Should she call Joshua back and let him know everything was okay? She closed and secured the back door and stood staring out at the large backyard into the forest beyond. It was so beautiful but perhaps Joshua was right. Her phone started to ring. She glanced down and recognized Joshua’s number.

  She hit the answer button and quickly said, “Everything is fine. It was just a deer.”

  Joshua growled into the phone, “Damnit Beth! You scared the crap out of me! Is Charlie alright?”

  “She’s fine; I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Goodbye.” Elizabeth snapped.

  “Oh no, we will talk right now. I’m almost there.” Joshua countered and hung up.

  Elizabeth quickly glanced around the room to see if everything was clean. When she realized what she was doing and chastised herself, ‘What are you thinking? He’s nothing, a one-night stand. Obviously, he considers it just a casual fling so get over it. Everyone has one at least once in their life; it’s just your turn.’ She calmly walked to the front door as the roar of Joshua’s truck could be heard coming up the driveway. Charlie appeared at her side as she opened the door.

  Elizabeth allowed Charlie to leap out the door as Joshua climbed out of his truck. He turned, without hesitation knelt, and greeted Charlie with a quick scratch between the ears. When Joshua glanced at Elizabeth, her stomach jumped and her pulse quickened. Those damn blue eyes. Joshua turned and reached into the back seat of his extended cab and pulled out a long brown case. He whistled at Charlie as she started to wander down the driveway and Elizabeth cringed as her devoted dog came trotting up to him and escorted him happily to the door.

  ‘Traitor,’ Elizabeth admonished her silently and stepped aside to allow Joshua to enter. Her eyes ran up and down the length him as he passed. He had on a plain white T-shirt and a holey, faded pair of jeans. Her eyes hesitated at his broad shoulders. She allowed her gaze to linger once more on the pockets of his jeans. She took a quick breath as she admired his small yet muscular behind.

  Joshua went directly to the kitchen table and opened the case. He pulled out a short barrel shot gun and turned to face Elizabeth. He said, “Keep this right here in the main living area. You don’t have any kids so there’s no concern about that.”

  Elizabeth snapped back to reality and walked over to him. She glared at the gun he held out for her inspection. Elizabeth met his iron stare with open hostility and said, “I am NOT keeping that gun.”

  Joshua couldn’t help but smile at her reaction. It was all fluff and female. He calmly said, “If you don’t agree to keep this gun I will throw you over my shoulder right here and now and take you and Charlie home with me.”

  His smile sent a chill through her but also made her heart race faster. She refused to back down. She was not afraid. She frowned at him in silence searching his eyes. She found no anger there, only concern. He was sincerely worried about her and Charlie. Maybe she should listen to him.

  “Charlie seems to like you.” She said softly. “You have a way with animals.”

  Joshua bit the inside of his mouth trying to stop from laughing. Her pouty frown was nearly too much for him. She had no idea at that moment he would have agreed to patrol her property all night if she would only kiss him.

  Joshua’s hard smile softened and he said, “I’ve got a dog too. He’s older; I take him hunting with me.”

  Elizabeth took the gun from his hands and sat it on top of the case. She stared down at it and asked, “What kind of dog?”

  Joshua tilted his head and stared at her. She was so beautiful. Even a plain t-shirt couldn’t hide her large breasts and small waist. He said, “German Shepard.”

  “What is his name?” She turned and met his gaze.

  “Kilo,” He answered softly. He wanted to kiss her so bad.

  Elizabeth laughed and asked, “Kilo? Really? What are you a drug dealer?”

  “You’re any better? Charlie? It’s a girl. You think she’s going to protect you? The first time she sees a bear in the woods, she’s going to pee herself then hightail it out of there with her tail between her legs.” Joshua was no longer amused.

  “Oh Yeah?” Elizabeth felt stupid the instant those words left her lips.

  It was Joshua’s turn to laugh, “Well you better hope so because the first time she tries to play butt sniff with a bear or a mountain lion it’s going to rip her head off and have her for dinner.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes opened wide in shock. She said, “Are there really mountain lions around here?”

  Joshua sighed and reached out to take her hand. “A few, and bears. That’s why you need to keep Charlie inside, especially at night. It doesn’t have to be a problem, if you are careful and keep your trash locked in the garage.”

  She gazed into his deep blue eyes and found herself fighting the urge to ask him to stay the night, again. She hesitated and asked, “Why haven’t you said anything about last night?”

  His face softened, “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t usually get involved with my clients. This is new territory for me. I don’t want things to be awkward.”

  She smiled and moved closer leaning against him. “There isn’t anything to worry about. We are consenting adults and honestly, I have no expectations. But if it will make you feel better why don’t we agree to take this one day at a time with no commitment required?”

  He stared at her in amazement and said, “I’m the kind of guy that dates several women at a time and I don’t want to be in a relationship with a woman who dates other men.”

  She leaned against him and explained, “That’s not what I meant. What I’m proposing is an exclusive relationship between us that has no future expectations beyond the immediate relationship. So there is no pressure to plan any further into the future beyond our next date. If either of us finds ourselves attracted to someone else we end the relationship with no hard feelings and go our separate ways.”

  Joshua slipped his arms around her as she kissed his cheek and moved to nibble on his earlobe. He asked, “How can I say no to that?”

  He cupped her chin and raised her face to his kissing her gently at first then with more urgency. She wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss with fervor. His hands wandered down the hollow of her back and further pressing her against him. She moaned as his lips left hers and trailed down her throat to her breasts. He unbuttoned her blouse with one hand while still holding her against him. Then lifted her into his arms and carried her to the sofa. They fell onto the sofa as one.

  Elizabeth awoke as Amy opened her bedroom curtains and allowed the morning light in. Amy smiled brightly at Beth and said, “Joshua said to tell you he had to get to the site early this morning. They are building the access bridge over the creek today.” She moved to the door and added over her shoulder, “He’s SO hot! He’s inspired me to write a book called How to Date a Hot Construction Worker!”

  Amy’s laughter followed him into the hallway.

  Elizabeth called after her, “He’s not a construction worker, and he owns the company.”

  “Even better,” Came Amy’s distant reply, “How to Date a Hot Construction Comp
any Millionaire.”

  Elizabeth laughed and climbed out of bed. She took a quick shower and dressed in her favorite jeans and a pale yellow blouse. She pulled her damp hair back into a ponytail as she headed down the stairs. Amy was slicing a banana into two bowl of yogurt for breakfast. Elizabeth popped a bagel in the toaster and sat down at the breakfast bar next to Amy. Amy sprinkled the fruit and yogurt mixture with granola and gave Elizabeth her bowl.

  Amy flashed Elizabeth a wicked grin and said, “I scooped up your clothes and tossed them in the laundry room.”

  Elizabeth said, “Thanks and quit acting so weird.”

  Amy laughed, “I can’t remember the last time you had a man stay over. From what I know of the very few men you’ve been involved with none of them have ever been like Joshua. You usually go for the CEO or Neurosurgeon type. You know that type A personality. I don’t get that from Joshua at all. He’s down to earth, personable and probably a lot fun.”

  Elizabeth stared at her bowl for a moment then looked up at Amy and said, “Don’t let him fool you, he’s got some type A in him but you’re right. He’s totally not my type. Don’t let the macho exterior fool you though. He’s intelligent, witty and from what I can tell a good businessman.”

  “Not to mention, sexy.” Amy said with a giggle.

  Elizabeth smiled and added, “Yes, incredibly sexy.”

  Amy flipped her long golden hair back off her shoulders and finished her breakfast. She rinsed out her bowl and turned from the sink to ask, “So what’s the plan?”

  Elizabeth glanced around and asked, “Where’s my IPad?”

  Amy walked into the living room and looked around. She said “Not in here. I haven’t seen it?”

  Elizabeth frowned and walked over to the sofa adding, “I left it on the coffee table with my bra.”

  “Dunne.” Amy shrugged.

  “Maybe I left it in my briefcase.” Elizabeth sighed and headed to the kitchen table adding, “Let’s set up here. I need to run over the edits for Woman of Steel one last time. Franklin wants to release the e-book and get it submitted for press by the end of the month. He’s pushing me to do some personal appearances. He’s got me scheduled in every major city between here and New York for a slew of book signings for the last half of June through the middle of July.”

  Amy went to the small hall closet next to the front door and pulled out two laptop cases. She returned to the table and handed one to Elizabeth. They sat down and began to work.

  Chapter Three

  The little blue mini rolled onto the shoulder of the road as soon as Randy flipped on his red lights. The plates were from Missouri. Clearly, this city slicker was not prepared for a large white SUV police vehicle. The little blonde at the wheel zipped right past him as he sat in the inner section waiting to turn. Randy pulled up behind her and ran her plate. Elizabeth Stewart, wasn’t Josh’s authors name Elizabeth?

  He climbed out of the truck and used his best police strut up to her window. He was rewarded as a beautiful blonde with big blue eyes smiled up at him as the window came down. His eyes wandered down the length of her. She was petite, slender and had a nice bust line, not huge but ample.

  Amy held her smile letting him check her out for a moment then leaned toward the window to allow clear view of her cleavage and asked, “Hello officer was I speeding?”

  Randy forced his eyes from her cleavage and met her gaze. He flashed her serious look and said, “Yes ma'am. I clocked you at 60 in a 45 zone back at the last intersection.”

  “Call me Amy.” She cooed as she handed him her driver’s license and added, “Officer Connor.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. She was the cutest thing he’d seen in a very long time. He said, “It’s Sheriff Connor. Randy Connor.”

  “Sheriff? Wow, that’s very exciting.” She oozed with feminine wiles. “I’ve never met a Sheriff before.”

  Randy forced back the chuckle that threatened and said, “Well today is your lucky day. Not only have you met a Sheriff but you’re coming away with a signed souvenir.”

  Amy’s smile vanished. She did not appreciate his humor.

  Randy’s heart melted but he held his cold demeanor. “Why don’t you tell me why you are driving Elizabeth Stewart’s car?”

  “Oh, Beth is my boss. I was just running to the local market to get some groceries.” Amy answered as her smile returned.

  Randy bent over and glanced inside the car. “I see. Are you relocating to this area as well?”

  “Yes sir,” Amy watched him closely. He was tall and handsome. His eyes were kind even when he was trying to act tuff.

  “Make sure to tell Elizabeth to get her registration transferred over as soon as possible.” Randy’s voice softened as their eyes met. “I’m going to let you off with a warning this time.”

  Amy’s eyes opened wide in surprise, “Oh Sheriff, you are my hero!”

  He laughed and added, “Would I sound like a total letch if I asked you to have dinner with me?”

  Amy’s voice softened to a purr, as she answered, “Not at all. I’d love to try a local restaurant. Elizabeth is a real homebody and since I’ve been with her, I don’t get out much. I’ve been here for two weeks and the only place I’ve gone is that little grocery store in town and the gas station.”

  Elizabeth surrendered and pulled up the Apple site on her computer to order other IPad. She found it extremely frustrating since all of her quick notes for new book ideas were on that device. Plus her favorite bra had vanished with it. She could blame Charlie for the bra. She was always snatching and grabbing towels or clothing and stuffing them behind the sofa or under the bed. However, it was highly unlikely that Charlie grabbed the IPad. If she had, there would be pieces of it all over the living room.

  Amy breezed in the door with an armful of groceries. She rushed to the kitchen and hastily began putting items away. She called to Elizabeth, “Beth! Get changed! We’ve got a date! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!”

  Elizabeth leaned back in her chair and watched as Amy danced around the kitchen shoving cans onto the shelves and slamming cabinet doors. “Date?” Elizabeth said, “We? Meaning you and I are going out? Or we, meaning a double date?”

  Amy stopped at stared at her and threw her arms up in exasperation saying, “Why do you have to be so literal all of the time? We, meaning Joshua is best friends with the Sheriff who almost gave me a ticket on the way home. We are meeting them at that bar and grill the two of you went to on your first date in 30 minutes!”

  Elizabeth rose slowly and walked to the kitchen. She asked, “You almost got a ticket? In my car?”

  “Speaking of cars,” Amy ignored her question. “Randy, the sheriff says we won’t get 10 feet this winter in the Mini once the snow starts. We need a new car. In fact, I need my own car. Oh and I completely forgot to tell you Franklin will be here tomorrow to go over the details of your release and tour. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Randy is so hot! His badge makes me quiver.”

  Elizabeth said, “Amy you are the only woman I know that can not only get out of a ticket but walk away with a date as well. She rose and went to help Amy put the rest of the groceries away. She followed Amy upstairs and allowed the young blonde free reign of the main bathroom to get ready while she took a quick shower in the half bath off her bedroom. They were dressed and out the door in twenty minutes.

  The Sheriffs truck was parked out front next to Joshua’s pickup when they pulled up. Elizabeth frowned at Joshua’s truck, it was an extended cab. Why would a single man need an extended cab? She shrugged; perhaps he used the truck to take new clients too hard to reach destinations.

  Elizabeth glanced over at Amy. She was perfect. Her golden hair flowed freely around her shoulders. Her makeup was perfect. Her nails were perfect. Her choice of a peasant blouse and dark blue jeans with dangling earrings made her look like she belonged on the big screen in some steamy drama. Elizabeth was dressed in a tank top and capris. They were quite a pair. Barbie and one of the Bratz dolls go on a date
. Elizabeth sighed, forced away the feeling that she was too old for this kind of crap, and followed Amy into the bar.

  Amy floated across the bar toward Joshua and Randy’s table. Both men rose as they neared. Elizabeth was pleased that Joshua’s eyes remained on her as they approached. He gave her a quick kiss and pulled out her chair before turning to say hi to Amy. Randy was clearly smitten. He stumbled all over himself pulling her chair out roughly and rushing to push it in a bit too fast. Elizabeth suspected he wanted to throw Amy down on the table and have his way with her but instead managed to smile and say hello.

  Elizabeth was looking forward to the evening. Amy was not one to portray a pseudo persona around her, so it would be interesting to see if one emerged in the Sheriff’s presence. It was obvious the Sheriff was on his best behavior. He sat stiffly upright in his chair with his hands in his lap, his feet flat on the floor. Why hadn’t she thought of double dating with her free spirited assistant before? It was great research.

  Elizabeth watched mesmerized by the fact that Amy’s attitude didn’t change; her mannerisms didn’t alter to adjust to Randy’s tone or personality. She was amazed that the two of them appeared to maintain their individuality while trying to find common interests and goals. Joshua joined in the fray also maintaining his usual personality. Suddenly it occurred to Elizabeth that these people were enigmas. They had to be. Randy and Amy were not normal. Perhaps it was even Amy that was the catalyst. Everyone has a pseudo personality. Everyone except Amy because she was such an innocent. That had to be it; she was just too naive, too untarnished by the world to know any better.

  Randy, well he was just a slow starter. Perhaps he just hadn’t established what his pseudo personality should be with Amy. Just give him time. If they started dating, Elizabeth was certain it would emerge. Just like Joshua’s true self was bound to start sneaking through. Sooner or later Elizabeth was certain she would begin to see the real Joshua in all his flawed glory. She was glaring at him. Watching Joshua laugh and joke with Randy and tease Amy. She just knew he couldn’t be that perfect. Deep down inside there was selfishness or some terrible habit or secret that he’d managed to keep hidden from the world.