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Tempest Rise (Treborel) Page 3
Tempest Rise (Treborel) Read online
Page 3
On his return a few moments later, he found no sign of the two hunters. Scanning the moss that covered the forest floor in the dim light, Katar found Bosen's heavy footprints heading deeper into the ravine. The Prince moved to follow as the air filled with an angry roar. The beast's scream was deep and full of rage, turning quickly to pain. Running toward the commotion Katar could tell it was a large male sraeb, judging by the deep tones of its roar. As he ran the cries of the beast mingled with that of Bosen's screams.
Breaking through the line of trees before him, Katar arrived as Bosen snatched up a tree branch and began swinging at the charging beast. Even at a distance Katar could see the Blacksmith was covered in blood. The dark gray fur covered creature was nearly 8 feet long. It had a low center of gravity that enabled it to maneuver quickly and get under its prey. Its long lanky body hugged the ground as it looked for an opportunity to spring. The beast kept its head low to the ground; its short square snout had a vicious sneer, which displayed a massive set of jaws full of razor-like teeth. The short rounded muscular legs ended in long steel-like claws.
Bosen stumbled backward swinging wildly as the beast charged. An arrow flew from the brush behind Bosen toward the beast as Katar rushed forward pulling his laser rifle from the scabbard on his back. The beast's head flew back as the arrow dove deep into its back. An angry roar pounded Katar's ears as he ran forward and shouted at the massive beast. Katar fired into the beast as it turned stopping a few meters from the sraeb. Screaming in pain the beast rolled onto its side and turned toward Katar. The beast charged with surprising speed yet Katar held his ground and fired one last time at the base of the beast’s skull. It fell dead at his feet.
Katar rushed to Bosen who collapsed onto the ground. Katar glanced around for Commander Connor, thinking the Bantorian had been injured or killed. There was no sign of him. Katar pulled off his jacket, ripped off his shirt, tore it in half he pushed it gently against the pulsing flow of blood seeping from Bosen’s shredded shoulder. Katar turned back to retrieve his knife from his jacket and discovered Commander Connor looking down at him silently. Katar snatched up his rifle and tossed it to the Commander. He ordered, "Fire it twice into the air, wait and fire again."
Without a word the Bantorian fired as requested. Turning back to Katar, he surveyed the large beast beside him. "'That was quite a performance. I thought the creature had you. It takes great courage to hold your ground to such a large beast." He stated casually.
Furious with the Commander's complete disregard for Bosen, Katar jumped up and took a hold of the front of his dark gray uniform. "Where were you? His arm's been nearly torn off. He could die!" Shoving the Commander back when he received only a cold stare, Katar added viciously, "Why didn't you help him?"
The same cold smile that greeted Cap that first night reappeared as the Commander answered. "He said he wanted to handle this one himself. I didn't think he was doing so badly. When you showed up there was no need to interfere."
"You just stood by and watched the attack!" Katar said with disgust. Katar moved toward him quickly and Connor shoved him back sharply. At that moment Katar wanted to kill the Commander. Controlling his anger Katar turned back to Bosen, ignoring Connor completely. He would deal with him after Bosen's wounds were tended. Wrapping the rest of his shirt around the bleeding shoulder, Katar lifted the injured Blacksmith into his arms and headed back to the base camp. It seemed like an eternity before he reached the encampment below the small sheltered area they had chosen. Cap appeared in front of him; taking Bosen from his arms, he locked eyes with Katar for only an instant. He said nothing and turned to head up the hill. Cap’s long legs made the steep climb up the side of the incline quickly. Katar followed exhausted.
Placing Bosen down gently on the moss under a large tree Cap examined his wounds and pressed his hand against Bosen’s shoulder to slow the blood flow. "He's losing blood too fast and there isn't anything near here, no villages or a ranch, nothing.” Cap's gaze moved to Connor as the Commander emerged from the ravine. Cap’s eyes narrowed as he turned to face him. "What happened, Commander?" Cap asked his voice low and menacing as Connor approached.
"He allowed a Sraeb to come too close before firing." The Bantorian answered innocently. "I mistakenly thought he could handle the beast."
"Is that how those other men died? You overestimated their skills as well?" Cap started forward, his anger growing.
"Cap," Katar’s voice held him back, "We've got to get him back to the lodge. There's an emergency Communication link in the galley. We can contact the Empathic Colony, it's only two days ride from there. A healer could make it by tomorrow night, if he rides hard." Remembering Katars warning to let him handle Connor, Cap reluctantly turned toward his horse. Eades bounded out of the brush beside him, glancing at Katar then Bosen.
Cap called out to Eades as he headed to saddle his black mare. "Bosen's hurt bad, I'm going on ahead to the lodge to send for a healer."
"How did it happen?" Eades asked heaving deep breaths.
Cap mounted his horse and said, "Connor." He spun the horse around and rode off.
"You're wasting your time." Connor's calm voice reached Eades as he moved toward Katar and Bosen. "He'll be dead by nightfall."
Katar turned slowly toward Connor; a dark fury filled his face. Without a word, he crossed the small clearing, closing the distance between them and slammed his fist into Connors jaw. Connor reeled back down the incline disappearing into the brush.
"You're on your own Commander." Katar said, "I'd head for the Western Chasm as quickly as possible if I were you. If Bosen does die, he won't die alone."
Connor rose to his feet, hatred shown plainly on his face. Eades moved next to Katar and pulled his pistol from his bell; he leveled it at the Bantorian. Silently the Commander turned and walked off into the forest. Turning toward Eades Katar ordered, "Get moving, find Lord Wills."
Just then Hanlin appeared through the trees at the top of the encampment red faced and gasping for air. Eades got the horses saddled and handed Hanlin his reins. They wrapped Bosen’s should up as tightly as they dared to try to slow the blood flow. Then Eades gently hoisted Bosen up to Katar and strapped the blacksmith to Katars back using the two men's belts.
As Katar headed toward the trail Eades helped Hanlin into his saddle and slapped his horse's flank. Then tossing a small bag of supplies on the ground Eades mounted and followed, towing Bosen's horse behind him.
Chapter Two
The hunting lodge was more than two hours away, riding as fast as they dared they followed in Cap's wake. Katar's thoughts went to Tya May, Bosen's wife. She would never forgive him if Bosen died. Being an Empathic Healer herself, she was constantly badgering him to bring along an Empath on their hunts. Katar thought they were too clever, too experienced to get into trouble. He was wrong, and Bosen was paying the price.
The lodge was a large cabin with a wraparound porch nestled in between the tall trees next to a small stream. Arriving at the lodge, Cap greeted them at the door. Taking Bosen from Katar's arms, he carried him inside. Katar laid him on the large rustic bed at the rear of the main living area. The bed was constructed as most of the furniture from local wood and tree branches. Eades helped Hanlin from his horse, nearly carrying the exhausted gentleman inside. Leaving him, still gasping, on the small sofa before the fireplace, Eades moved over to help tend to Bosen. Cap had bandages and ointment on the small table at the side of the bed. Cleaning the wound and binding it was all they could do.
Cap relayed the information he had received over the wireless link as they worked. "The colony informed me that they received a message from the Empathic Institute a few days ago that a Healer set out after us. If he's a decent tracker, he should be here tonight.” Cap grinned at Katar, "It was Tya May, who requested it.”
"Bless that woman's determination. “ Katar answered, with a hopeful smile.
"I just hope we can keep him alive until then." Eades interrupted, after finishing with Bosen
's bandages.
They left Bosen to rest and returned to the main area; Katar's attention moved to Hanlin. The elderly gentleman was still gasping trying to catch his breath. Cap went into the galley to fetch him a glass of water as Katar sat beside him on the sofa.
Hanlin spoke, seeing Katar's frown. "I'm just a bit winded, the excitement and all."
"Just relax, don't try to talk." Katar answered, soothingly as Cap returned and offered him the glass filled with cold water.
"What happened?" Hanlin asked, quietly.
"You wore yourself out; I should have realized that the pace was too much for you. Eades could have held back and rode with you." Katar answered, berating himself.
"No, I meant with Bosen." Hanlin corrected, pleased at the Prince's concern.
"He had a short dance with a grouchy Sraeb." Katar smiled, not willing to burden Hanlin with the broken relations that might result from his attack on Connor.
"Lord Wills, there is an Empathic Healer on the way. He can take a look at you after he's finished with Bosen.” Cap interceded, and then motioned toward the back bedroom. "If you can get him to bed, I'm going to see if I can hurry the Empath along." Leaving Katar to deal with Hanlin, Cap headed out the door calling over his shoulder, "I'll unsaddle the horses, but you and Eades will have to see to them."
"Is that an order?" Katar grumbled back, as Cap disappeared through the doorway.
"Yes, your Grace.” Cap's faint voice answered before the door shut behind him.
Taking his mare, Cap headed west hoping to meet the Empath on the trail. He sent the horse into a fast gallop. He traveled quickly despite the short rest after the rampage through the woods. Cap left the trail several times he’d traveled these woods many times as a small child and knew all the short cuts. He was determined to find the Empath as quickly as possible. Diving into the openings in the dense brush, he avoided the twisting trail and gained ground quickly. After nearly an hour he spied the light gray uniform of a healer through the line of trees.
Approaching the trail, he broke through the thicket a short distance ahead of the Empath. Causing the Empaths horse to startle as the surprised rider jerked on the reins. Cap was equally surprised to find a young girl before him instead of an older, experienced male Empath. Cap brought his horse to a quick halt. The young girl pulled a small knife from her boot and cautioned him. "I don't know where you came from, but I'm not easy prey.” Her voice shook slightly with fear as she raised the knife.
Not sure how to proceed, they stared silently at each other. Cap had always believed that Empaths didn't carry weapons. This pretty, chestnut haired girl couldn't be more than 18 years old. Her long straight tresses covered the spot on her jacket where the Empathic Emblem was usually worn, causing Cap to doubt she was the one he sought. Not wanting to frighten her any more than he already had, Cap tried to explain. "I'm Commander Caplin Taylor. I’m looking for an Empath that is headed for the Western Hunting Lodge.”
"My name is Kendra; I am the Empath you seek.” She answered cautiously, still holding the blade. A noise from the brush drew her attention as a small rodent pounced out, trying to evade an unseen predator. Cap was just close enough to lurch forward and snatch the dirk from her hand. Her head jerked back in alarm.
"Bosen May has been mauled by a Sraeb, his shoulder is a mass of pulp." Cap spoke quickly not wanting to hesitate any longer.
That was all Kendra needed to hear. She pushed her horse past him and headed quickly down the trail.
"Wait!" Cap called after her, turning his horse around. Reining in the horse, she turned back to face him annoyed by the delay. "Are you a good horseman?" Cap asked, as he stuffed her dirk in his jacket.
"I've been in the saddle since I was a child." She answered, abruptly.
"Okay so just a few years then?" Cap's rebuke angered her. Jerking the horse back toward the trail, she ignored him.
"Wait, I'm sorry!" Cap called after her. "It's just that I know a quicker way, if you can handle some rough terrain."
"Let’s go then." Kendra replied, gruffly, turning back to face him.
Without another word, Cap dove back into the brush and the girl followed.
Realizing he never should have let Hanlin come along on such a long journey, Katar berated himself for his irresponsibility. Leaving the now sleeping Hanlin, he went to check on Bosen.
Eades rose from the small wooden chair beside Bosen’s bed and said, “He hasn’t moved and his breathing is shallow.”
Katar gazed at Bosen, he’d grown pale. As the guilt intensified, Katar decided to take it upon himself to feed and rub down the horses. He could not bear to stand by powerless to help his friend. After the animals had been properly cared for, Katar headed back to the cabin. Cap and a young girl galloped into the small clearing as he reached the steps. Without a word, the girl jumped from her horse and ran into the building.
"Is that the healer?" Katar asked Cap his surprise evident, "She's just a kid.”
"Yeah and she came through the mountains alone with only a wisp of a knife for protection." Cap shrugged, taking the horses in the stable.
Darkness fell as Kendra continued to work on Bosen. The moment she touched the back of his neck, she was frightened that he might not live. He had lost too much blood and was very weak. Forced to move slowly, not wanting to drain the last of his strength, Kendra called upon her healing strength to heal the seeping wounds first and stop his blood loss. The stress of the healing began to show on her young face as the minutes turned to hours. Cap watched from the end of the bed, concerned that the injuries were too much for her to handle. Cap stepped forward to end the session as Kendra rose from Bosen's side. Pale and exhausted she admitted she could do no more until the Blacksmith regained his strength.
Kendra found her saddlebag in the living room. Katar had brought them in after he watered, fed and rubbed down their horses. She pulled out a leather pouch, took several small bottles out and handed them to Cap explaining, “Bosen needs a broth made with a spoonful of each herb and a little meat and vegetables if possible. Cap took the herbs and headed toward the galley to prepare the broth. Eades appeared with a steaming pot of stew, prepared from the frozen Sraeb meat they had left in the freezers. Katar and Kendra sat down at the large wooden dining table opposite Eades.
Katar turned to Kendra and said, "We are all extremely grateful, Kendra. My thanks seem meaningless, compared to what you must have gone through to arrive here so quickly." He smiled as her dark brown eyes met his. "Bosen is a very good friend of mine, we grew up together. He’d be dead by now, if you hadn't come." Katar continued, offering her his hand. "I’m Prince Katar, and I am in your debt."
Kendra gasped, jumping to her feet. "My Lord! I'm terribly sorry, I meant no disrespect. I had no idea . . .”
“None has been taken." He answered, rising with her, "Please sit down, and you look exhausted. You must have been traveling day and night to reach us so quickly."
This was more than Kendra had bargained for. Why hadn't Tya warned her? Taking her seat again, she tried to suppress her growing anxiety and desperate urge to flee. What would the Prince do if he discovered who she was? "I've just come down from the Northern Colony," She forced herself to answer. "I'm used to traveling fast and light."
"You are quite young. You must have begun your studies at a very early age." Katar answered, mistaking her distress for exhaustion.
"I have a very strong healing strength, it surfaced early." She glanced down at the table as Eades placed a steaming bowl of stew in front of her. "I would like to apologize for ignoring you on my arrival . . .”
"You did exactly as I would have had you do, ignore the formalities and save Bosen's life. You've shown a true dedication to your craft."
"I wish I could promise he will survive, but only time will allow for his recovery. He must gain strength before I can heal his broken bones. Although I have stopped the blood loss, he is still under risk of infection. He was lucky it was not a female. Their claw
s hold poison this time of the year. He would have been gone in less than an hour." Kendra relaxed, realizing he either did not know who she was.
"Is he in a healing sleep?"
"No, I’ve taken away his pain but I haven't induced the sleep. Not until he awakens and eats something, he has to gain strength so the healing can continue. The healing power comes from within me, but his body must be strong enough to withstand the physical drain that accompanies the fusion of bone. My powers simply encourage his body system to heal itself. To rush the process would put both our lives in jeopardy."
"I understand, and if you’re not too exhausted . . . I'm afraid we have another gentleman I would ask you to see. He is in his late-sixties and the ride was very difficult for him. He collapsed shortly after we arrived. I'm fairly certain he is simply over tired from the excitement and rushed return. However, I would feel much better if you looked in on him."
“Of course, Your Highness.” Rising stiffly as she answered him, Kendra waited for the Prince to lead the way.
Hanlin was still sleeping soundly when they entered his room. Moving to his bedside Kendra slipped the palm of her hand under the back of his neck. "He is exhausted from the ordeal and I suspect the long journey to the lodge. He needs complete bed rest; I will put him into a healing sleep. He'll wake up tomorrow evening and need a hardy meal. Then he should be fine." Kendra smiled up at Katar noticing how handsome he was. His golden hair, deep blue eyes and square jaw were very appealing with his large muscular frame.
"Then we should return to our meal." Katar smiled back relieved.
Announcing the good report Hanlin received as they reentered the dining area off the main room, Katar and Kendra took their seats and began to eat. Cap returned with a bottle of port and poured them each a glass. He hesitated an instant at Kendra's glass before filling it as well.