Tempest Rise (Treborel) Read online

Page 17

  Cap knew that Kendra wouldn’t return until he used his deformed voice to ask for her. In the darkness of the night, after the loneliness of the day, he decided to get a grip on his pride. He tried to speak her name. As if she had read his thoughts Kendra appeared through the windows in the doorway. From across the room, Cap could tell she was only delivering some instructions to the healer on call. She was not coming in his direction. Gathering his strength, Cap rose as his tired muscles cried out. Pulling himself up, he headed slowly toward the door. Passing the sleeping forms that filled the room he reached the double door. Kendra glanced up somehow knowing he was there. Frozen, she waited as he slowly opened the door and came to her. Her pulse quickened as she saw the look of determination on his unshaven face. Turning toward him, she waited as the excitement that only his presence could cause filled her.

  “I’m Commander Caplin Taylor; I’m looking for an Empathic Healer.” Cap’s eyes met hers as his raspy voice reached her.

  “I am the Empath you seek.” Her voice answered him, softly filled with tender joy as she stepped forward and took his arm. Rubbing her fingers over the roughness of his beard, she asked, “How about a shave?”

  “I’d really like that.” He answered, swallowing hard as the ache in his throat returned.

  Shifting her hand slightly, she brushed her fingertips against the scarred curve of his throat and the pain vanished. Cap was pleasantly surprised at the tender ease with which Kendra shaved him. The seductive sponge bath that followed nearly had him undone. If this was the sort of reward he was to receive from using his rough unsavory voice, he was just going to have to get used to the sound of it.

  Kendra spoke constantly telling him about her day and the progress of the patients around him. She solicited comments from Cap occasionally, wanting him to test his voice without straining the already damaged vocal chords. By the time she returned Cap to his bed, it was nearly dawn. The back rub she gave him combined with the exertion of his movements lulled Cap to sleep.

  Relieved that Cap was truly on his way to recovery, Kendra finally admitted to herself, she had fallen in love with him. Yet her hidden past, linking her to Prince Katar under the most vile of circumstances would not let her reveal her feelings to his most cherished friends. She wondered if there was any chance of a future for her and Cap. Perhaps it was time for her to release the violent memory that haunted her for so many years. Perhaps Caplin Taylor, companion to Prince Katar was the one person who could help her do that. If she only knew how deep his feelings were for her. She felt she could trust him. Soon, she told herself, soon. When it was over, if Cap loved her, he would stay by her side.

  As the next few days passed Cap and Kendra grew closer. Lysette grew distant. She only came to Caps to examine him quickly then disappear. The day came for Caps release and she had come to say goodbye. Cap was growing concerned at the coldness of the woman that his friend had become so enchanted by. Cap decided to take Katar asked and make sure he knew what he was getting himself into. Before then, Cap decided to give her one last chance.

  Glancing up at the cold surgeon as she handed him his release papers, he was surprised when she smiled softly and spoke in a caring manner. “Be careful Commander. You were very lucky this time. Next time your friends might not reach you in time.”

  “Thanks Dr Nolan, but I’m not going to make the same mistake again.” He smiled back at her hoping for some further sign of warmth. Perhaps she had been hard to deal with because she missed Katar. “I guess your spirits have lifted today because Katar is due in shortly.”

  Lysette's smile vanished and her eyes grew distant as she answered, “Katar and I have much to discuss.”

  Cap looked out the window as Katar’s helijet landed. “Well since he’s just arrived, I won't take up anymore of your time.” Cap wondered what Katar had done to get this strong-minded female so upset. All thoughts of Lysette left him when he saw Kendra coming for him.

  As Lysette headed out the door to the landing area Kendra gave Cap a quick kiss on the mouth and said, “I wish I had time to take you to the transport, but I’ve been called into surgery. Her smile faded. “You take care, as much as I’ll miss having you around. I don’t want to see you in here again.”

  Pulling her down to the bed next to him Cap’s smile disappeared, “The conflict will be over soon, maybe a month or two. Where will you go when it’s over? How will I find you?” He asked his voice still raspy.

  “I’ll be back at the institute for a while. I don’t know where I’ll be assigned after that.” Kendra looked into his coal black eyes, wanting to lose herself within them. “The conflict delayed all the plans for the Southern Colony.”

  “If I don’t get back here before the conflict is over, is it alright if I visit you at the Institute?” His voice was soft, he’d completely forgotten about the abrasiveness. Cap hadn’t realized how difficult it would be to leave Kendra. He felt like he had known her all of his life.

  “I’d like that Cap.” Kendra whispered, wishing he would tell her how he felt.

  Instead he pulled her slowly to him and kissed her softly then said, “Watch for me then, and if you get transferred leave word with Lysette. She can let me know through Katar.”

  Lysette’s heart pounded as she neared the landing area. Katar climbed out of the small craft and smiled at the sight of her. His tall, muscular form made her stomach jump. He was so handsome in his dark blue uniform. Grabbing her around the waist as she reached him, he kissed her boldly. When the kiss wasn’t returned, he pulled back concerned and said, “Your heart wasn’t in that kiss, is something wrong?” He studied her face, noting the iciness in her eyes.

  “I was just wondering if you greet Enda Waytals like that every time you see her.” Lysette cringed as she realized how catty and childish she sounded.

  “Enda?” Katar said searching her face, confused. “I don’t understand.”

  “I do and perfectly!” Lysette snapped at him and turned around to head back to the hospital.

  “Lysette?” Katar followed. What had come over her? How did she learn about Enda? Why did she care? He never would have taken her as the type to get jealous over an old flame.

  When she reached the door to her quarters, she stopped and turned back to face him saying, “I have nothing more to say to you.”

  Grabbing her arm gently, Katar stopped her from entering her room. “Lysette, I don’t follow after anyone like a lost puppy. I’m making an exception because I’m crazy about you and I can see you’re very upset. I don’t understand what’s wrong. If you want to clear this up, hiding in your room isn’t going to accomplish it.” Katar pulled her inside and closed the door behind them, turning back to her.

  Realizing he was right, Lysette took a deep breath and calmed herself saying, “I have been told by a very reliable source that you are engaged to Lady Enda Waytals and have been for quite some time.”

  A smile of relief crossed Katar’s face and he gently reached for her. “Enda and I . . . “ He began.

  Lysette cut him off saying, “I’m no stranger to conceded men who think that every pretty girl should be at their back and call. I will not be a convenient romantic dalliance. I can see you don’t even consider this a serious conversation. I will no longer be the one who keeps you occupied until you can return home to your fiancé. I am insulted by your pretense of ignorance and I will not allow myself to be used any further.” Lysette’s anger consumed her; she couldn’t believe she had allowed herself to be seduced by another deceitful relationship.

  “Lysette, calm down.” Katar said beginning to lose patience as Lysette ignored his attempt at an explanation.

  Pushing him back from her as her fury rose, she continued, “How could you tell me you loved me when all the time you were promised to someone else. Did you even mean it? You knew how I felt. Why didn’t you just tell me? Just explain the situation instead of lying?” Lysette gasped trying to hold back the tears. “What is wrong with the Royal mentality that t
urns an heir presumptive into such a beast, where women are concerned? You and Roth are exactly alike!”

  “Lysette!” Katars voice boomed throughout the tiny room. He was angered that she would even dare to compare him to the spoiled shallow Prince of Lon Tesse. “So you think I am a beast that beds anything that will have me? You think I play with women’s affections just like your Lon Tesse Prince?” Katar moved forward, closing the distance between them, his voice low and lethal. “I am not Roth; don’t ever compare me to him. I am also not, I repeat NOT engaged nor have I ever been engaged to any woman, especially Enda Waytals. The fact that you have listened to such ridiculous lies, make me doubt how well I know you.”

  Not to be undone, Lysette glared back at the angry prince saying, “I spoke to her . . .”

  “You what?” Katar couldn’t believe what she was saying. Had she put through a communication to Treborel in the middle of a war to check on his marital obligations?

  “She said you asked her to have your child?” Lysette’s anger faded as she realized what Katar was saying.

  “You contacted her?” Katar spoke his thoughts out loud, astonished. “I tell you I love you, so you decide it’s okay to delve into my past relationships?”

  “You think I went looking for this information?” Lysette asked, confused. The fight had gone out of her.

  “I can’t believe this! I spent the last ten days shuffling my pilot’s schedules in order to spend three entire days with you in the middle of a damn war and all you can do is accuse me of cheating on a non-existent fiancé.”

  “She came here looking for you.” Lysette stammered.

  The fight left him as he realized their relationship could easily end in the next few moments. He took a deep breath and continued, “Lysette, I admit that in the past I have . . . played with the affection of . . . certain females. I was very young and foolish. That is behind me.” He looked into her tear filled eyes. He felt partially responsible for her pain. He should have told her about Enda. He should have contacted Enda long ago and ended their relationship. He added, softly, “Now you’re got to decide if it is me you trust or some woman who sought you out for who knows what reason. If you can’t take my word as truth over someone else, then we have no future together.”

  Lysette could see the pain and disappointment in his eyes as he turned to leave. “Katar, I believe you.” Lysette followed him, taking hold of his shoulder; she turned him back to face her. “I didn’t contact her.” Seeing the doubt on his face she continued, “Roth brought her here from the palace in Lon Tesse . . . “

  “Roth, of course. Enda must have told him some story to get into a palace function. He couldn’t wait to bring you the news of my supposed engagement.”

  “I don’t think . . .”

  “It doesn’t matter, let’s forget the entire ordeal.” Katar pulled her into his arms, relieved that he didn’t lose her to petty jealously. “I’m sorry I accused you of prying. I should have known you wouldn’t do something as petty as that. I just never told anyone I loved them before; I guess it made me a little paranoid.” Pulling back from her, he looked into her eyes. “I need to know if you have any doubts about how I feel?”

  “I never should have doubted you, Katar. I know you love me, just as much as I love you. I will never doubt it again.” Lysette’s voice choked with emotion.

  Katar swept her up in his arms, kissed her deeply and carried her to the tiny bed. Falling together, they forgot everything else except reconfirming their love.

  Chapter Ten

  The full moon shone brightly against the unusually clear sky. It poured a soft luminescent light across the forest path that led to the high bluff overlooking the countryside below. The lights of Tor were glowing softly in the distance, testifying to the peaceful air that had finally begun to surround the warehouse Hospital unit.

  Standing at the edge of the bluff, Lysette and Katar held each other as the gentle breeze tried desperately to bring the distant clouds to cover the moon. The moonlight embraced the lovers as they spent their last night in its soft light.

  Katars hushed voice spoke the words neither wanted to hear. “My transport arrives at dawn.”

  “When will I see you again?” Lysette asked, nuzzling his neck in the darkness.

  “I’m going on special assignment. There have been rumors of King Williams’s escape. It is believed that he had fled into the Southern Mountains. The mountains are filled with caverns and empty gem mines with tunnels that run for kilometers. It would be an excellent place to hide.” Katar smiled softly at Lysette as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her cheek. “I’m taking a team in to search for them. I don’t think he’s in Treborel, but if he is. We will find him.”

  “How long will you be gone?” Lysette didn’t like the idea of Katar searching the mountains so close to ‘frenzy’. It was less than a month away from the time that the sraeb grew wild with hunger and devoured every living creature they came in contact with.

  “It could take months; we have to search each cavern by foot.”

  “Isn’t it dangerous to be so deep into the mountains at ‘frenzy’?” She stared up at him in the darkness.

  “If you don’t know what you’re doing.” Katar smiled at her concern. “Don’t worry, I’m the one who goes in search of sraebs, remember?”

  “Perhaps I should return your pistol, you may need it.” Lysette teased him trying to disguise her fear.

  “You did bring it with you, right?” Katar said with a frown.

  “I was under orders. I had no choice.” She smiled.

  A chuckle escaped Katar’s lips as he turned to gaze at the moon. Thought of his home floated through his mind, bringing a wishful smile to his lips. “I’m actually looking forward to returning. The mountains are unequaled. Nothing like these bumps sticking out of the ground like blisters on a child’s hand. Normally I would have completed two or three hunting parties by this time of the year.” Look of anticipation filled his face. “Nowhere on the planet can match the Treborelan Mountains on a night like this. The silence of the forest is broken only by the wind or an occasional animal call.” He turned back to Lysette and winked, adding, “Or perhaps Caps snoring. Remember your grandmother’s stories about magical beings? If you can catch the rare moonlit nights, just after a storm the mountains sparkle from the moisture. It’s easy to imagine that a small creature with a magical touch has been at work. Sometimes there are soft whispering sounds, late at night. It’s probably just the wind or an animal close by, it adds to the wonder, not really knowing. There have been hunts where we never even caught sight of a sraeb. I think those were my favorite excursions.”

  Katar’s words turned to a whisper as he smiled wistfully and continued, “You should see Borel at night from a distance. It looks like a vision from the past with the dark shimmering lines of the palace walls. The sleek designs of the Palace towers appear to pierce the sky. There are no shining lights to announce its presence like Tor. The soft white lights that force the darkness of the mountains away are embedded in the exterior walkways. The soft glow leads your way but doesn’t frighten the animals deep in the forest away from the city.” Pausing Katar looked back up toward the bright moon as the clouds moved to embrace it. A darkness crossed his face as he continued. “It if weren’t for the sraebs, there would be no need for the walls.”

  Lysette asked, “Do you think that you could take me along on one of your hunting excursions, one where no sraeb are killed?”

  “You wouldn’t be afraid?”

  “I’m sure I’d be safe as long as we don’t get separated.” She smiled confidently up at him. “Even if that did happen, I can take care of myself as long as I have my bow and quiver.”

  “Are you sure you could kill a sraeb if one threatens you?” Katars statement was more of a cautious warning than a true question.

  “I’m not sure. I think if my life or another’s were threatened, I could especially with a beast so large and ferocious.”

  Katar studied her in silence for several moments. Then he decided to broach the subject that had been on his mind for the last 10 days. “Lysette I know you plan to open your own practice when the conflict is over. Have you spoken to Joah and his grandson about their possible participation?”

  “I mentioned the idea to them. Andru is willing but Joah didn’t want to discuss the future, not until the war is over.” Lysette replied, casually.

  “Would it be possible for you to open a practice and do your research in Borel, instead of Lavose?” Katar’s question came quietly, mixed with the hope and desire that Lysette could not overlook.

  “I suppose it would make more since to research the Empaths in their own environment. This could isolate the research from the rest of the medical community.”

  “Why not? Treborel has an extensive communications system. It wouldn’t be difficult to give monthly even weekly reports to the New Network. I’m sure they’d be eager enough.” Katar pulled Lysette close as he continued, “The Empathic Institute is only half a day’s ride from Borel. That is where you should be. They could teach you how the Empaths are taught and the theology of their ways. There is no other place in the world where you could learn more about the Empathic way.”

  “Do you think they would permit it? I may have Treborelan blood running through my veins but I am not an Empath.”

  Katar could see that all too familiar sparkle in her eyes. That same glimmer appeared when she was intrigued or excited. He said, “They would if you were my wife.”

  Lysette could only stare up into his dark blue eyes. The depth of emotion there consumed her as his words burned deep into her soul. Katar continued, “I won’t keep you from anything you want to accomplish. Just as I know you have enough respect and trust in me to allow me the same. There are things I know we disagree on, but those things aren’t important enough to keep us apart.”