Tempest Rise (Treborel) Page 16
“What did security say?” Sean concentrated on the information as Val glanced over at Prince Roth in hesitation. “Val?”
Staring at her boss, Val's gray eyes hardened as she answered with awkward dignity. “She was admitted to the palace at Prince Roth’s request. She is his guest.”
Turning his attention to Roth, Sean waited in silence for a response.
“Ah, Lady Waytals?” Roth feigned surprised enlightenment. “I am sorry Sean I wasn’t paying attention to the conversation. I did invite her, I’m so sorry; I must have forgotten to tell you. I received a communiqué from her regarding her fiancé, Prince Katar. She’s worried about him. It seems Lady Waytals and the Queen doesn’t get on too well” Roth smiled brightly at the pair and glanced back toward Sean’s office. “Is she here?” Again the pleasant smile of surprise presented itself as he turned and headed to greet Enda. “I suggested she speak with you about finding her elusive Prince. I know you and Katar have kept in contact these last few months coordinating efforts and such.” Stopping as she reached the door he added, “I forgot she was arriving today, is she in your office?”
Not waiting for an answer he opened the door and walked in before Sean had a chance to register all the information Roth just spewed at him.
“Lady Waytals, I am Prince Roth. It’s so good to finally meet you!” Roth overflowed with charm as he kissed Enda’s hand.
Rising to greet him Enda gasped, “Your Highness! I am honored.” She smiled graciously, glancing toward the returning Lord Nolan as his assistant delayed him one last time.
Entering a few moments later Sean found Roth sitting on the edge of his desk completely enamored by the vivacious Lady Waytals. Moving around to his chair Sean announced, “Lady Waytals, I’m afraid Prince Katar has been reported to have crashed in his helijet just outside a field hospital late last night.” Sean paused to allow her to react.
Enda’s face paled, her jaw fell slack, shocked at the horrifying news. “Is . . . he dead?” She asked her voice barely audible.
“No, apparently not, just bruised a little.” Sean answered without conviction.
“Roth rose and turned to face Sean saying, “You could have prepared her a bit, Sean instead of just throwing it at her like that!” Roth went to the small corner bar and poured Enda a glass of water. Accepting it gratefully Enda asked for more details.
“Apparently he rescued a fellow pilot from some wreckage and flew him to a nearby field hospital as a storm was approaching. The winds knocked the helijet into a small grove of trees as he was trying to land.” Sean answered still not convinced Enda was who or what she claimed.
“He could have been killed!” Enda gasped, once more turning to Prince Roth and taking his hand. “Oh please! I must see him. Is there any way I can go to him? I just won’t believe he’s safe until I can see him.”
“In view of the situation Lady Waytals, I would be pleased to escort you to that very field hospital myself this very moment.” Roth rose gallantly turning to Sean. “Where is he?”
“Our latest installment near Sondral.” Sean answered, quietly then turned to Lady Waytals and added, “It could be dangerous and there is no guarantee that Prince Katar will still be there when you arrive, his injuries . . .”
“I must try Lord Nolan.” Enda began to sob covering her eyes with a tissue; she produced neatly from her purse.
“Then we shall leave at once.” Roth proclaimed helping Enda to her feet he escorted her to the door and added, “I’ll handle this Sean, don’t trouble yourself.”
Sean simply stared after them in silence.
Roth couldn’t believe his luck. The very diversion he needed to place Enda exactly where she needed to be had happened without any effort on his part. Lysette’s new assignment, the Sondral Field Hospital fell right into place as well. He couldn’t have planned it better himself. His only concern was if Katar had managed to spend any time alone with Lysette last night. Feeling the jealousy rise, he clenched his fists and led Enda toward the Helijet transport waiting for them on the back lawn.
After tonight, Lysette would be done with Katar, forever.
Lysette finished her rounds quickly then headed toward the small laboratory located at the front of the complex. Katar came up behind her and kissed her neck. Startled she turned around to find his lips on hers. Oblivious to the medical personnel staring at them he pulled her close and said, “The helijet is landing now. I meant what I said last night, Lysette.” He pulled her against him and smiled softly say, “I love you.”
“And I love you.” She answered, forcing the tears back that threatened to surface.
“Those stars are sparkling in your eyes again.” He said turning and pulling her with him toward the rear exit. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I hope I can come back to pick up Cap in a few days.”
Before she knew it they were at the landing area and Lysette was kissing Katar goodbye. “Be careful.” Was all she could manage and he was gone.
The rest of the day was filled with inquiries from the female staff as to who Lysette’s tall, handsome suitor had been. When it was finally discovered he was Prince Katar, she became the talk of the unit. With a contented smile, Lysette ignored them and carried on with her work. She wasn’t impressed with Katar because he was a Prince, there was so much more to him than simply royal blood.
Late that afternoon a ‘My Beloved’ arrived. Wondering how he managed to send flowers in the middle of the war Lysette smiled and spent the day in perfect bliss. There were no casualties throughout the rest of the afternoon. When Prince Roth arrived and asked Lysette to join him for dinner, she had no excuses. Agreeing, she realized this was the perfect time to tell him about her relationship with Katar. Hopefully this would be the end of his constant attention.
Roth had successfully hidden his fury after being informed that Katar had spent the entire night in Lysette’s quarters. He had no reason to doubt his sources. Lt Onlot had been accurate since the conflict began. Calming himself, he knew the impact of Enda would be even more severe now that Lysette had become intimate with the mountain barbarian. Roth wasn’t truly convinced that Enda’s claim was valid, neither did she care. He knew Lysette would break off all contact with Katar and never give him the chance to explain.
Hopefully Katar would never know why Lysette had suddenly decided to stop seeing him. In her heartbroken state, she would be vulnerable, vulnerable to him. Roth would convince Lysette to marry him. She’d be much happier in Lavose with her family and friends nearby instead of stranded in the wilderness as her medical knowledge was ignored.
It was far past the dinner hour when Lysette arrived at the suite that had been arranged specifically for Roth. It was nearly three times the size of her small room with a large sofa, high back chairs and brightly colored curtains. Lysette was surprised to find that Roth was not alone. The beautiful blonde sitting on the sofa across from her was smiling brightly as Roth introduced them. Lysette was encouraged by her presence, perhaps Roth had moved on.
Roth played the perfect host during the meal. Roth kept the conversation light and casual until the appropriate time. It was clear that Lysette was intrigued by Enda’s presence. Roth hoped she was jealous but doubted it was true. Moving to open another bottle of the exquisite port Roth frowned at Enda, concerned at the quantity she was consuming. He vowed to throttle the wench if she became too intoxicated to complete her task.
“Lady Waytals, I am acquainted with most of the Lon Tesse court. Your name isn’t familiar to me. Is your home in Ragal?” Lysette asked, pulling her glass away as Roth attempted to refill it again.
“Oh no, my dear.” Enda smiled, enjoying the anticipation, the time was at hand. “I’m from Treborel. I came here to locate my fiancé.”
“Lady Waytals was at the capital today,” Roth interrupted, not wanting Katar’s name to be mentioned too quickly. “She was speaking with your uncle with I arrived. When I heard that Lady Waytals hadn’t been in contact with her betrothed since
the conflict began, I offered my assistance.” Roth smiled brightly at Lysette, and then changed the subject. “Lady Waytals were you aware that Lady Nolan is a surgeon here at the hospital? I understand she’s been working closely with the Empathic healers of Treborel.”
“How interesting,” Enda turned her attention back to Lysette, with an intense gaze and said, “So young and beautiful to be spending so much time inside a man’s body instead of next to one.” Studying the young surgeon, Enda wondered if she was truly capable of wrenching Katar away from this beauty. The young Prince had better pray his plan was a success. She would let nothing stand in her way. It would be a pity for Roth to lose his only love, forever. “Perhaps you could help me in my search. I understand that my fiancé was involved in a helijet crash near here last night.” Enda finished, smiling at how easy it would be to have someone killed in the middle of a war.
“Lady Waytals, I did speak with the Commander. Our information must have been faulty, he is not here.” Roth interrupted, quietly pretending to soothe Enda.
“It’s quite alright, Roth.” Lysette was touched by the woman's dedication to her lover. “I operated on a Treborelan Officer that was involved in the crash.”
“Oh no!” Enda rose wailing, “Your uncle told me he was only slightly injured.” She pulled Roth up from the sofa, desperately grabbing onto his uniform lapel. “He’s dead and you just couldn’t find the words to tell me!”
“No! Lady Waytals.” Lysette rose and took hold of her hands. “He is going to be fine; I’ll take you to him right now.”
Enda stared into Lysette’s calm, smiling face with astonishment and relief. Gasping for breath she replied, “Oh my love, my Katar! Thank you so much, Dr Nolan, I would very much like to see him now.”
The look of surprise and confusion on Lysette’s face thrilled Roth. He hid his pleasure at how smoothly Enda had given the secret away.
“I’m sorry, did you say Katar?” Lysette asked her voice uncertain.
“Yes, Prince Katar of Treborel. Please take me to him.” Enda moved toward the door, pretending not to notice Lysette’s hesitation.
Time suddenly seemed to slow as the impact of Enda’s words took hold of Lysette. There must be some mistake. Lysette heard herself clarifying the situation, “The officer I operated on was Commander Caplin Taylor.”
“What?” Enda turned back to stare at Lysette in surprise and added with a laugh, “Cap Taylor? I thought Katar was flying the helijet?” She stopped smiling and threw a look of disappointment at Lysette saying, “Are you telling me that Katar isn’t here after all?”
“Prince Katar was a passenger in the helijet and he was here last night. He sustained only minor injuries.” Lysette forced herself to continue, matching Enda’s gaze. She was indeed a beautiful woman Lysette could see why any man would be attracted to her.
“Then he is here and he’s alright?” Enda searched Lysette’s face for an answer.
Once again Lysette heard her voice reply, “He’s fine but he’s no longer here.” Lysette couldn’t believe what was happening. She was so certain Katar’s feelings were real. Suddenly her head cleared and she looked upon Enda with new eyes and asked, “Are you telling me that Prince Katar is your Fiancé?”
Roth sat back on the sofa in anticipation of the following discussion, impressed with Enda’s aloof calmness.
“Yes, we were engaged shortly before he left for the Alliance Summit. Unfortunately we were unable to plan and announcement because he was unable to return to Borel.” Satisfied Katar was nowhere near, Enda felt free to repeat her story. Moving back to the sofa to sit next to Roth, she smiled brilliantly at the amused Prince the instant her back was to Lysette. Biting the inside of his cheek as a smile threatened Roth swore to bed the seductive wench before she returned to Treborel.
Shifting his gaze to Lysette, Roth was startled at her stricken face. Fighting back the guilt that threatened to surface Roth reminded himself this was for her own good. He was the only one that could truly make her happy. Yes, he would do his best; at the very least he would be discrete with his future dalliances.
Enda began describing what appeared to be a story of several years of romance between herself and Katar. The more detailed Lady Waytals description became, the more Lysette began to doubt her sincerity.
“Just exactly how did Prince Katar propose?” She asked, wondering if the noblewoman was refined enough to distinguish a seduction from a proposal of marriage. Perhaps she had mistaken a brief affair for a long lasting relationship.
Satisfied that her story was being absorbed, Enda relaxed against the back of the sofa as she replied. “Katar isn’t one for long speeches or sweet words. He simply asked.”
“Lady Waytals, I find your story quite unbelievable.” Lysette was convinced the poor woman had been deceiving herself.
“Dr. Nolan I don’t know what to say!?” Enda bolted upright with calm surprise. “But frankly, it isn’t important to me whether you believe me or not. You are of no consequence to me or my fiancé.”
“I am sorry you feel that way, Lady Waytals. But I am of importance to Prince Katar.” Lysette sat back down in her chair. “Katar and I are seriously involved and he has never mentioned you. I think perhaps you’ve mistaken a brief liaison for something much, much more.” Lysette reached out compassionately and touched Enda’s hand.
Jerking back Enda glanced quickly at Roth, shock filled her face. Rising quickly Roth moved to Enda’s side, taking her hand in support. Turning to Lysette, Enda calmly defended herself, “I cannot mistake a man's intentions, when he blatantly asks me to bare his child.” Turning to Roth, Enda buried her head in his shoulder.
Focusing on Lysette, Roth spoke with great regret. “Lysette, I had no idea you and Prince Katar were involved. I never would have brought Lady Waytals here if I had known.” Roth helped Enda to the small chair by the window. “Perhaps we should end this conversation, for tonight and discuss this in the morning when we are all less emotional.”
It was Enda who refused, rising from her chair, she crossed slowly to Lysette. “No, I think it is best that we bring everything out.” Enda took Lysette’s hand and calmly led her to sit on the sofa beside her. “I’m sorry we both had to find out about each other this way.” This time Enda was rational and soothing. “Every time this happens it hurts as much as the very first time.” Enda paused and sighed deeply, continuing, “Katar had promised me that this would never happen again. It was the only reason why I agreed to marry him. He has a weakness for beautiful women. I thought he had truly given up these convenient romances. I had hoped when he knew I was truly going to be his it would all end.” Looking into Lysette’s pale face, Enda smiled sadly. “It is so difficult, being Heir to an Empire. I know there are so many women willing to do anything just to catch his eye. My only consolation is that he always returns to me.”
Lysette could no longer speak. She felt only numb disbelief fill her with hopelessness. Rising without a work Lysette walked slowly from the room oblivious to Roth’s words of consolation. Moving without thought toward her quarters, Lysette stopped in front of Joah’s door. The elderly empathy spoke constantly of Borel and the queen he had once served as healer. Perhaps he could help her; perhaps he could tell her the truth. The truth she wanted to hear, that Lady Waytals was an imposter; that the man she was so deeply in love with wasn’t playing games with her heart.
‘Help me Joah.” Her mind pleaded as she stood before the door barely in control of her emotions. The door jerked open and Andrus face appeared. Without a word, he took her hand and pulled her inside. His touch soother her, gave her strength. As Joah rose from the end of his bed she poured out her story. Unaware of the anger that grew on Andru’s handsome face, Lysette concentrated on Joah as he listened calmly.
Tears poured down Lysette’s face and she finished and said, “I need to know if she’s telling the truth. Were they involved?”
The kind smile that appeared before her did nothing to relieve her p
ain as Joah spoke, “Prince Katar has had many beautiful women by his side as many powerful men do throughout their lives. Enda was one of his most recent companions.”
All her strength disappeared with his words. Andru moved forward to place his arm around her shoulder in comfort, as Joah continued. “I have never known Prince Katar to deceive anyone. Lady Waytals is indeed a close friend, but I cannot attest to any marital plans. This is something you must discuss with him.”
Rising, Lysette thanked Joah and headed for the door followed quickly by Andru. As they reached her quarters the young empathy took her hand once more and said, “I wish I could take this pain away. You have no idea how hard it is to see you in pain.” Andru concealed his anger at the man who had thrown away the love he so desperately wanted. “I’m here if you need me, for anything.” He wanted to offer so much more. To tell her he would like to try to fill the void she felt. Yet he held back knowing there would be time in the weeks to come for such words.
Smiling softly, Lysette kissed Andru’s cheek in tender appreciation, his dark brown eyes frowned as she spoke. “Thank you Andru. I’ll be fine.” Then she disappeared into her room. Collapsing on her bed, Lysette let the tears flow, until exhaustion led her into a dreamless sleep.
A lingering trace of light filtered in through the recovery room doors as Cap scanned the darkness of the large room. Everywhere laid the sleeping forms of his fellow soldiers. He recalled how each had received a lingering visit from Kendra at some point during the day. All had been given the pleasure of her attention. Whether she had read to them or played some simple game to help them pass the time, they had all been given her smile. All except him, she had walked past him each time, without a single glance.
He hadn’t spoken since his conversation with Katar. It had made his throat ache. His voice has been so rough, it sounded as if he had swallowed shards of broken glass. Not that his voice had been soft or exceptionally sweet before. He simply couldn’t stand the idea of sounding like a whispering old man speaking his last words before death took him to oblivion.