Tempest Rise (Treborel) Page 13
“Uncle Sean?” She broke her silence, forgetting her anger, moving closer as he extended the blossom.
“Yes,” Was all he would say until she took the flower. “Sean had a close call but we got him out in time, he’s fine. I believe he’s having breakfast with Ambassador Airee at this very moment.”
“What happened?”
“The Elite Guard killed everyone at the Nayrian Embassy. They arrived at the Lon Tesse Embassy to do that same just after we evacuated everyone.” He answered her softly.
“How horrible!” Lysette gasped reaching out to him. “I’m so sorry, Katar.”
“Can we go sit down? Katar took her hand.
“Katar, I’m very fond of you and I do want to get this misunderstanding cleared up.” She began following him into the living room and sitting next to him on the sofa. “But I just went through a blundering relationship with Prince Roth and I won’t be treated like a convenient distraction by anyone ever again.”
“I wouldn’t do that Lysette.” He answered, not releasing her hand. His voice softened as the growing light outside began to filter in through the windows filling the room with soft golden light. He told her of the day's events and what Sean had said about King William. Lysette was horrified at the thought of her uncle being at the mercy of Commander Connor. She was very grateful that Katar had been the one to save him.
“There really wasn’t a lot of risk involved on my part.” Katar said, with a smile. “It took more courage to come here and face you than to fly into Ergos.”
Lysette laughed and kissed him impulsively. “That is for saving my uncle.” She said, and then her smile vanished. “Now tell me about this misunderstanding that left me without a dinner companion.”
Katar explained the argument with Hanlin and stated that this would not have been the first time that Lord Wills had overstepped his authority. He then told her of his confrontation with her uncle. When he finished, instead of being insulted and angry, Lysette laughed and said, “The next time, save yourself some time and embarrassment and just ask me. I promise to tell you the truth,” She leaned over and kissed him again softly then whispered, “Am I really that repulsive, that it sent you into a panic at the first mention of marriage?” She smiled teasingly as she pulled back to face him.
“Not at all, Lysette.” He answered pulling her into his arms. “I think you are the most beautiful blue eyed vixen I’ve ever known.” He kissed her deeply, sending shivers throughout her slender form, warming her deep inside. Forcing himself to pull back, Katar knew his co-pilot was waiting for him. “I’m sorry Lysette, but I have to go.” Reluctantly he released her and rose. “I'm on my way back to the air base. The blockade begins in 18 hours.”
“Do you really think that Bantor will retaliate?” She rose and walked with him to the front door.
“If that happened, I think it will be short lived. Bantor has a large air force but the helijets are old and outdated. Most importantly, they have ignored Treborel for too many years. William and Connor think we are simply helpless barbarians.” He smiled turning to her as they reached the door. “He’s going to get a big surprise, if he tried firing on Lon Tesse. Treborel will shove those laser cannons down his throat.” Pulling her close he whispered. “You should reconsider that offer to visit Lord Wills. The mountains are covered in blossoming ‘My Beloveds’ this time of the year.”
Smiling back at him she firmly declared, “If there is a conflict. I’ll be heading out with the Emergency Relief Corp. to serve at a field hospital. I’ve already volunteered.”
Taken by surprise Katar stared at her. Considering her situation carefully, he knew she would not be persuaded. The co-pilot started the helijets engines as Katar spoke, his jaw set. “Do you know how to use a laser pistol?”
“Yes, but I won’t need a weapon, I’m a doctor, not a soldier.” She answered sternly.
“When someone’s shooting at you Lysette, you don’t have time to stop and explain who you are. You’re going to need a weapon that can drop someone while you're running in the other direction.” He unbuckled his shoulder holster and handed her his pistol.
“I am NOT taking your gun, Katar.” She pushed it back at him offended.
“Lysette, I’ve got an endless supply, remember? I own the army.” He answered pulling out her hand and placing the weapon in her palm. “You don’t have to use it. I hope you’re never in a situation where you even need to take it out of the holster. Just take it along to make me happy.”
She sighed and accepted the weapon, saying, “Alright, I’ll take it along, under duress.”
“If you need me, contact Lord Wills. He’ll know how to reach me.” Katar looked into her determined eyes and smiled, adding, “If Bantor backs down, how about dinner tomorrow night?”
Kissing him softly, she leaned against Katar and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything so much in my life.”
Chapter Seven
The tension could be felt through the entire continent. The trams were packed full of people rushing to purchase food and extra supplies. When Lysette arrived at the Medical Complex she was rushed into the Emergency Ward. Overcrowding and late schedules had forced the trams to increase their velocity. In the midst of the chaos one tram collided into the rear of another, derailing both and injuring or killing nearly one hundred people. Lysette took this as a bad indication of how the day was to proceed.
After over 10 hours of surgery Lysette was finally able to begin her rounds. After a quick change of clothes she checked her messages and asked her secretary to locate her uncle. Then Lysette headed off to check on the progress of the two small girls in the burn until. She found the girls sleeping peacefully, the Empaths had gone. The scars were the only sign of their recent trauma.
Lysette carefully examined them, placing the long oval probe on their little chests. No fever or congestion, normal blood pressure and a steady pulse, satisfied she turned to leave. Stopping as a figure rose from the reclining chair in the corner of the room, Lysette smiled at the eldest Empath rose and crossed to her, motioning for her to follow him into the hallway. Once there he explained that their work was done. “The children will sleep soundly for the next two days. They should be allowed to slumber as long as necessary. The healing strength comes from within the Empath; even so the children's bodies are exhausted from the treatments. They have been put into a ‘healing sleep’ and should not be awakened. If they woke on their own they should be fed and allowed to fall back to sleep. All that is left for them now are normal therapeutic procedures. Their muscles will be stiff and weak, but there should be little pain. They should grow strong and live normal lives. Unfortunately we can do nothing about the deep scars. Our strength is in accelerating the healing of damaged tissues. We cannot restore them back to their original condition.”
Lysette liked the elderly empathy, his soft voice and gentle manner was comforting. She said, “We can perform a series of operations that will reduce the scarring. Our techniques are delicate and will take time. I know in my heart that these girls would have lived to worry about scars if it had not been for you and your friends. Thank you so much.”
It has been a long time since Empathic Healing and Technological Medicine have worked together. I have enjoyed the enthusiastic response your people have given us.” He smiled at Lysette.
“I’m so glad to hear them. I’ve been asked to form a research team. I’m going to be studying the Empathic Way. I hope you will consider working with us again. I would like to learn more about your people.” Lysette offered her hand in friendship.
Joah took Lysette’s hand in his and said, “If Bantor continues to threaten the continent, we may find many more opportunities to work together soon, in the field hospitals.” His expression showed the same concern that Lysette shared. With an understanding nod from Lysette he turned and headed down the hall.
It was nearly midnight and Lysette has still not heard from her uncle. She was anxious to tell him of her plans. She
went to the Medical Relief office located in the basement of the building. She was given a departure schedule and a number to call if she had any questions. Lysette then headed outside and walked the short distance to the Palace gates. She watched as the last few pedestrians rushed silently past her in an attempt to reach their final destinations. Each were waiting for news of Bantor’s withdraw; hoping and praying it would come in these last few moments.
Arriving at the brightly lit palace just after midnight, Lysette hurried toward her uncle’s office. His assistant Val was still at her desk. She informed Lysette Sean was with the Regent in the communications center. Waiting for the security officers to inform her uncle she had arrived, Lysette sat silently outside the center's doors. Sear appeared a few moments later, he smile and said, “Lysette, I’ve been trying to reach you. I heard about the tram accident, you must be exhausted.” He kissed her cheek and sat down beside her. His motions were slow and reserved. He stretched his tired muscles and rubbed the tension from the back of his neck as he turned to face her.
“It was a long day but I’m fine.” She smiled at him. “I’m glad you made it back alright. I was worried.”
“It was a disappointing venture, Williams not well. I’m afraid I can’t talk for long, we’re still hoping he’ll withdraw.” He said with a sigh.
“I’m sorry, I know this is a bad time, but I wanted to tell you that I’ve signed on with the Relief Corp. I’m heading for a field hospital. The first wave will leave tonight; I’ll be going with them.” Lysette blurted it all out, hoping he’d understand and not lecture her about the danger she might be heading into.
“I figured you would do this. Prince Katar mentioned he had spoken to you about the corp. I’ve been on the Comm. with him all evening coordinating efforts. We’re both concerned about you, I’d prefer you didn’t go, but I understand why you feel you must.”
“It’s my job, my duty.” She looked into his eyes confirming that he understood.
“I’ve never held you back, Lysette.” He hugged her and rose. I’ve got to get back in there. Bantor has moved their laser cannons up to the river’s edge. Our forces are closing off the bridges between Bantor and Lon Tesse, it doesn’t look good. Contact me when you arrive at your station and let me know where you are.” He kissed her cheek and softly added, “Be careful, I love you and I hope you miss me and Doc terribly.”
“Doc! Oh you will take care of him for me?”
“I see that Doc will be missed more than me.” Sean chuckled.
With that he was gone; Lysette spent the rest of the night at the Medical Center preparing for the worst. As dawn broke King William issued a Declaration of War and began to fire upon the Treborelan Vessels that blocked the Nayrian Harbor. As the Lon Tesse troops began to cross the Nayrian bridged into Nayr the Nayrian Ambassador pleaded for a peaceful resolution.
Bantors laser cannons began to fire on the Lon Tesse boarder troops and were quickly met with return fire. The smaller Air Force of Lon Tesse began to battle the larger awkward Bantorian transports that had been converted into battle craft. Treborel’s Southern Airbase dispatched fifty aircraft that swept over Bantor from the north. Leading the assault Katar ordered all Bantorian defensive weaponry destroyed. Unprepared for the attack Bantor quickly manipulated their forces away from Lon Tesse to match the northern assault. As the battle escalated the Relief Corp sent twenty medical units to the Southern Lon Tesse Boarder. Lysette was among the first to arrive at the field hospital near the Bantor/Nayrian River channel.
The moment she arrived, Lysette was sent into surgery and remained there for the next three days. Her only reprieves were a few quick meals and a two hour sleeping period each day. Yet she and the other Physicians considered themselves lucky. They had been assigned to a local medical center. It was large due to the merging of two farm communities who had depended on it as their only medical care facility.
As a result they had a self contained complex in the middle of the flat countryside between the two communities. This afforded multiple air Evac units access simultaneously. Many of the other units were working out of small clinics or abandoned warehouse or factories forced to use ambulance or the tram system to transport wounded.
Lysette’s center was used as a stabilizing area. They performed emergency surgery and stabilized the injured for transport to another unit further away from the battleground. The Empathic Healers arrived the second day of the conflict. Nine healers and 7 surgeons composed the centers medical team. Not sure how to work with the healers, the surgeons simply ignored them. Working separately the healers chose the injured they could heal quickly, skull fractures, unobstructed wounds or excessive bleeding. Leaving the surgeons the patients who needed reconstructive surgery or fragments removed.
Finally after nearly a week of total separation Lysette approached the elder healer Joah whom she had met in Lavose. She asked him to work with her during her next surgery. Joah was anxious to assist and was able to place the patient into a deep sleep and slow or stop the hemorrhaging while she operated. Quickly it became apparent that Lysette’s patients were stabilizing more quickly and able to be transported faster than patients who did not have an Empath assisting the surgeon. Surgeons began to request assistance from the Empaths and soon every team was staffed by one of the healers.
Nearly all the casualties that arrived survived to be shipped to a secondary unit. Over the next nine months as the battle continued, Bantor ceased its attempt to cross the Ny River into Lon Tesse. Instead it began to concentrate on keeping the Alliance forces from invading. Finally Bantor pulled all its forces out of Nayr. The Continental Alliance was called into session and it was determined that King William should be removed from power. When William refused to advocate they began to push the Bantorian Army back deeper into Bantor. The harbor was secured by the Treborelan Navy but not without losing several ships. Bantorian troops forced Nayrian civilians onto cargo ships that were loaded with explosives and set adrift. The ships would be detonated a few moments after the Treborelan ships arrived to attempt a rescue.
Keeping track of Katar’s movements had been easy for Lysette. Reports constantly came in about the small Treborelan helijets and their exploits behind enemy lines. Of the fifty helijets that had been deployed only 4 had been destroyed. Nearly half of the Bantorian laser cannons had been disabled. Allowing the Lon Tesse land forces to cross the river and begin the push toward the ocean. William had pulled all the operational cannons back to defend the major cities.
Due to the large civilian population of the Bantorian cities, the Treborelan helijets refused to attack; giving air support to the advancing armies instead as the war came to a standstill. Nearly a dozen of the helijets had been converted to small air ambulances taking the seriously injured directly to the hospitals from the battlefield first air stations. Occasionally Katar would manage transport duty and deliver an injured soldier or civilian to Lysette’s center. They would manage to spend a few hours or even an evening together. One such evening Lysette told Katar of her dream for an Empathic Medical Research Center.
“It’s been so fascinating working with the Empaths.” Lysette’s enthusiasm overflowed. “I can see an endless supply of knowledge and research capabilities coming from a joint venture.”
“What do the Empaths think of this idea of yours?” Katar questioned, impressed by her interest.
“The elder Joah doesn’t think we should discuss any plans until the conflict is over. I don’t think he’s really considered the advantages.” She answered, showing her disappointment.
“I guess you’ll just have to wait until William is defeated. Then I’m sure Joah will listen carefully to what you’ve got to say.” Katar stopped fighting the urge to stay uninvolved with this intelligent beauty. He had become captivated by her strength and dedication.
Lysette had become equally enthralled; she had never known anyone who had so easily accepted her ideas. Katar didn’t hesitate to point out a flaw in one of her plans, yet he
did it with such calm sincerity, she never got angry. Here clearly was a man interested in her inner self, not just her beauty.
The last nine months had been extremely hard on Lord Nolan. Sean was kept constantly busy co-coordinating the three nations' forces. The small inexperienced Ragal Army was allowed enough active combat to satisfy their need to participate. They felt strongly that they should show their support for the Alliance. Even thought their army consisted of volunteers or retired police officers. They had to make sure the small force form Ragal wasn’t wiped out as they tried to assist the Lon Tesse ground forces.
Sean was deeply impressed with the Ragalian people. Their land was under no immediate threat; yet they had volunteered by the thousands to be sent to the defense of the Alliance. It helped Sean to understand why he was so deeply in love with Hannah. Of course the fact that she had golden red hair, big brown eyes and a figure most twenty year old girls dreamed of didn’t hinder his attraction. She was highly intelligent and had a stubborn streak that was only matched by her ability to reason calmly under the most stressful of situations. Sean could swear Hannah was actually more beautiful now than before the stress of war had assaulted them all.
Perhaps that was because it was almost impossible to get her alone. He had hardly spent any time with her in the last few weeks. When he found the time she was usually too busy. Even finding enough time to make the trip out to the ranch was difficult. When he did manage it, he was only reminded of Lysette’s absence. He loved Lysette like his own daughter. The tragedy of her parents' death brought her to him at an early age. He had taken his mother into his home asking her to take on the task of raising the quiet little girl. When she had died a short time later, he had been left to carry on as Lysette’s only living relative. Keeping the truth about her grandmother’s death from Lysette had been a heavy burden. Yet one that even now he was certain was the right thing to do. There was no reason she ever needed to know. Lysette had grown into a caring, thoughtful, confident woman. Sean missed her gentle wit and constant chatter. The only good thing that had resulted from this conflict was the friendship he had established with Prince Katar. The boisterous Prince reminded Sean of himself about twenty years earlier. Katar had a great capacity for command, yet he chose a field position instead of the behind the scenes. Sean knew the feeling of wanting to charge off with is men and lead them to victory. That was fine for a young Prince. When the time came, Sean hoped Katar wouldn’t have any difficulty accepting the crown and settling into the position of distant command.